3) rumours

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Your P.O.V:

I got to school like always and then everyone else came. I looked outside the window when the teacher mentioned we have a new student everyone cheered except me. "Hi my name is min It's nice to meet you all" as soon as I heard that voice anger build up in me and my eyes became a little teary I looked at the front to see my old best friend the one that promised me that she's never going to leave that left. 'Promise' that one word everyone says and lies about.

She sat behind me and I felt her staring at me but I ignored her and pretended I didn't know her. It was last lesson and I saw min approaching me but I just walked out. Finally end of school I was walking and min was running after me to catch up "Y/N wait!" She shouted "what do you want you betrayer?" I asked coldly as she began to say sorry about her passed but I ignored her I kept walking when I saw the usual crowed move to the side... weird why did they move all of a sudden. I walked closer with min still apologising.

As I got close enough I saw yoongi and he looked at me and I smiled. He wore what he always wears and still had a dark bad boy gangstar image as I saw the guys were scared of him some girls too while other girls fangirled over him. "Come Y/N I need to talk to you" he said as everyone looked shocked then at me. He gave me the motorbike helmet and I put it on as min looked at me shocked. I was always an innocent, good type and didn't like to get myself involved with people like yoongi and the 'killerz' since i thought they were bad influence on people so this sight to min must have been shocking.

I sat on his motorbike with every eye on us then heard grace "omg he's so hot who is he?" She fangirled. Slut. Is all I thought then her boyfriend came to her and she stopped and started acting innocent again. "Wait let me put it on" Yoongi said as he took the bottom of my helmet and clipped it on. "Since when do you have a boyfriend Y/N?" Min asked as grace came forward "wait what that's Y/N?!" Grace shouted as she saw my face. I leaned in to suga and whispered for him to leave and he did leaving grace dumbfounded.

-10 minutes later-

We got off the motorbike and I realised all of the gang was there "oh hi guys!" I said and they all replied with a hi. "so whats the news?" i asked. "Since everyone is here i can finally tell you all something i have been meaning to say for a couple of days now, As you know we all are getting older now and Y/N is finishing school soon , Dylan is going to Australia and all that stuff. And i think this might be end of the killerz" our leader suga finished as everyone nodded sadly. "Of course i hate calling it the end so instead lets say ill meet you all later on in life, thank you for everything and trusting me in being your leader i hope i did a good job" he finished as some had a tear in their eyes but kept it in to keep the cool image. I decided i should thank everyone equally so i started my speech.

"Thanks everyone for being the family i always needed, you all know my situation and to have people like you means the world to me. Thank you yoongi for being a great leader and brother to me , you have made me learn many things in life and have always been there for me but please stop trying to fight people because they have accidentally pushed me. Thank you Dylan for always buying me that ice-cream and spending time with me , i enjoyed every minute we hanged out but please stop being such a play boy and flirting with every girl you see. Thank you Sunmi for hearing me out when i had girl problems, since we are the only girls here i felt like actual sisters but next time don't hide stuff away from me like the person you like. Thank you Leo for making everyone laugh including me and bringing everyone closer together but sometimes you have to stop bragging about your looks so much, we get it you are handsome but come on" We all laughed and hugged and our soft sides came out.

The fear of falling apart// Namjoon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now