24) Hurt by you

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Y/N's P.O.V: 

It took me a whole hour to explain the situation to BTS they finally got in the fact that I do not have a child and yusu only calls me mummy and Eun is not her father either. Although Jungkook still seemed a little angry at me so while everyone went in the rooms they were staying at I went into Jungkooks room to go talk to him "Hey kookie are you still mad?" I asked quietly as I approached him. He just sat there on his bed with his face low not answering.

I hugged him from the side hoping it would make him feel better "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you when I saw you or didn't call or text when I was away" He still said nothing but at last he put his head up "Why, why did you run away?do you not like it here?" His words seemed hurt as he asked that "No in fact this is the best thing that has happened to me because BTS is my family and I didn't run away for no reason I needed some space and time to think about my purpose in life and who my feelings belong to" I told him and he looked at me indicating to carry on speaking "And with that time away I realised more and more how important Namjoon is in my life and how much I want him but i'm just being dumb and unrealistic" I finished off as tears began to fill my eyes.

"Why do you think that?" Jungkook asked me quietly as he patted my back "Because Namjoon would never love a girl like me , he loves Grace" I couldn't hold it in anymore I burst into tears and Jungkook hugged me tightly "He doesn't love Grace if he did he wouldn't have broken up with her" his words made me happy as cruel as they are. He broke up with her? I know I shouldn't be happy but I am. "Now go sleep Y/N its late" He told me and I went to the living room where I was supposed to be sleeping. 


I woke up and my head was killing from the alcohol that Jimin gave me but when I looked around I was not in my room. I looked down at the time that said 2:13 am the bed wasn't comfortable so I gathered my stuff and left the room while walking there was someone at the till "Mr where are you heading to?" the old man asked but I ignored him and left the building on the way home I felt that my head hurt was getting better so my walk fastened. I unlocked the door to the apartment as I entered I saw someone sleeping on the couch. I approached the figure and saw Y/N sleeping there!

I put the blanket over her and as I was about to leave she grabbed my wrist and my heart was pounding "Don't go" she whispered with her eyes closed instead I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room but when I did I saw a guy about the same age as Y/N and a little girl about two or three years old. I didn't know what to do or what to think so I took her in my room and placed her on my bed with the covers on top of her and went to the living room instead.

Y/N's P.O.V:


I woke up and felt the sun hitting my eyes I rubbed them and saw I was in Namjoon's room I instantly jumped out of the bed and ran into the kitchen as all of BTS was there including Namjoon! I walked in happily but realised the tension in there. It was just Namjoon looking at Eun and Yusu without saying anything. "Mummy!" Yusu ran into my hands as I could tell she didn't like the silence there "Daddy said we are going home today" I nodded as I looked behind at Namjoon everything about him read 'hurt' he didn't even bother looking at me. I know he has mistaken Eun and Yusu so I wanted to explain to him when they leave. "Eun the trains are running now so you don't need to worry about missing them again" he smiled and nodded at me.

I heard someone crying so I looked and saw tae purring his eyes out as he kept hugging Yusu "Yusu i'm going to miss you..Yusu please be good..Yusu please come visit..YUSU" he sure did get attached to her quickly. "Anyway we should get going thank you for letting us stay" Eun said as he got up and took Yusu by the hand "I'll drop you to the train station" I told him and he gladly accepted my offer. We started walking there and Namjoons hurt expression was in my head at the same time flash backs of yesterday run to my head and my face went red...ahhh embarrassing. "You should explain to that Namjoon guy everything before it ruins your potential relationship" Eun told me and I nodded and gave him and Yusu a goodbye hug and off they went.

The fear of falling apart// Namjoon x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن