29) Our first time

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 Y/N's P.O.V:

Namjoon started kissing my neck as shivers run through my body leaving a tingly feeling as he sucked on the skin leaving purple marks. A noise of pleasure escaped my mouth as Namjoon smirked at it. He slowly started undressing me starting from my dress to my bra then panties and before we both know it we are both naked on his bed with the cover on top of us. He began to enter me and leave and enter again as more sounds came that I have never made before. And so we carried on...

*Skip to the next week*

It has been a week since me and Namjoon had the inappropriate and I felt that our relationship grew stronger and stronger every day. BTS didn't suspect anything which was always a plus since it prevented awkwardness. 

As usual, I was out with Min and today we decided to go to the mall. We looked around shops and before we know it 3 hours pass and we both start to get hungry "What do you want to eat?" Min asks as I think deep and hard about the answer cause its food! "I'm craving ice-cream!" I said as she looked at me as if I committed a sin "WHAT?! but it's freezing outside! Okay fine we can get ice-cream after a proper meal" She said and I nodded and we headed to the fast-food chain. We got in and I ordered a bacon burger and an apple pie.

We got our food and sat down in the upstairs area where there is no one. I got my apple pie and placed it in my burger as I took a bite loving every chew MMMMMMMMM! "Eww Y/N are you okay? Why did you put an apple pie in your burger?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know but I have been having weird cravings recently," I told her and she began to be suspicious.

I finally got home and went to my room as my stomach felt weird and hurt. I felt something go up as I ran to the bathroom and began puking. Ahhh I shouldn't have eaten that I thought to myself. I heard someone run in the bathroom and saw Jin worried as he kneed down and patted my back "Are you okay???" his voice trembled "I'm just a little sick that's all" I told him and he tried giving me a smile. I found myself then laying in bed with medicine next to me and a bucket in-case I need to throw up again.

*The next week*

It was finally my first week of work! I placed my work clothes on which looked smart but comfy at the same time since I was told we have to take the group to photo-shoots today. I headed off and was finally there. I went through the front door and scanned my card on the second door which made the door open. I went into the office and saw my manager there "Hello!" I said cheerfully and he greeted me back "Oh hi Y/N you seem to put on some weight since I last saw you" he said and my face went red...Koreans do seem to be very honest.

I was introduced the group I am supposed to be the assistant manager of and all the 4 boys seemed really nice and handsome too. They are called 'The Rose' and consisted of Woosung, Hajoon, Dojoon, and Jaehyung. After our meeting, we left in a van and were outside a huge building as we came out there were cameramen everywhere along with screaming girls luckily we had 2 security men in front of us to stop them from trying to get to the boys. The Rose had their photo shoot and before leaving I headed off to the toilet. As I was washing my hands my managers' words came into my head. I look down on my belly and he was right I did indeed put on weight.

After a long day off work, I was finally home, I climbed into my pajamas and my bed and got my phone out. While looking through articles I saw one that said 'THE ROSE'S NEW ASSISTANT MANAGER, BUT WHO IS SHE?' I clicked on it and it was a picture of me with the boys in the back. I read the article and it said:

The Rose was spotted today in Gangnam heading off to what seemed like a photoshoot of some sort, However, when our beloved boys arrived at their location an unknown female foreigner was seen this left the fans confused as to who she is. Later it was revealed that she is a new assistant manager for 'The rose' but her name was kept secret for privacy reasons. Some fans were angry at this fact and claim that she was a fan who got the job to be closer to the boys while other fans wish her the best of luck. Either way, we will just have to wait and see who this pretty lady is.

Wow, my first day of work and I'm already going famous, I thought to myself.

The fear of falling apart// Namjoon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now