59:Ghost sighting.

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I was talking to a friend of mine and we were trying to come up with something new to do,because we were getting kind of bored. He suggested we take up ghost photography. It sounded like it would be fun,so we decided to go to a place we thought might be haunted.

There was a house nearby where a mass murder had taken place. It lay at then end of a mountain road and it still hasn't been demolished.

We went there late at night and took cameras with us. We entered through the front door and walked down the hall,taking pictures in the living room,bathroom,toilet and kitchen, then climbed up to the second floor and snapped some photos in the parents bedroom and the children's bedroom.

After that,we went back downstairs, stood outside and took photos of each other with the house in the backyard. The next day,when we took a look at the photos,we were really surprised. There was nothing in them. Of course,we were both in the  pictures. I just mean that there weren't any ghosts in the photos.

"Doesn't that seem strange?" I asked.

"Maybe they went to heaven or something." Replied my friend.

"Yeah,maybe." I sighed. "That means we can't take anymore ghost photos. What a waste of time."

"Not really," said my friend. "I dae a house that was pretty far from the rest, we can go there next."

"Seriously? Is it empty?"

"No,of course not. There are people living there. Let's go tonight."

"Okay,got it. I'll get ready."

I'm looking forward to it. We haven't done anything exciting in a long time.

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