60: Ghost sighting (2).

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Late one night,two of my friends and I decided to go ghost haunting in this old house where there'd been a murder.

"I heard the killer really butchered these people,"said my friend. "I bet their ghosts are really angry."

"Yeah,I heard it was a complete massacre," said my other friend. "Apparently, the killer poked the husband's eyes out,stabbed the wife to death with a big knife. Then strangled both of the kids."

"Are you guys serious?" I asked. "Or are you just trying to scare me? You know how scared I am of ghosts!"

As we wandered around the house,I was shaking like a leaf. It was pitch black inside and we just had a single flashlight to guide us. We went through the living room and the kitchen, then down into the basement,where the murders took place. I could have sworn I could still see blood on the walls.

The place was definitely creepy,bit we didn't see anything weird. On the way put,I turned to my friends.

"Hey,I didn't see anything spooky,did you?"

"Not me."

"I didn't see either."

"I didn't see a thing."

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