114: The Ex.

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Anastasia Steele just got back home after a hectic day at work. She was so tired that all she had in mind was to make her favourite tea -Twinnings Tea- take a shower and then watch read a classic novel on her Mac book. She wiped her shoes on the welcome mat on the threshold of her door,then searches her bag for her keys. After retrieving it,she was about to push the key into the hole when she noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Anger flared in her.

"Not today." She muttered as she pushed the door open with her feet.

She entered her apartment and shut the door behind her. "I know you're there!" She yelled into the room.

A voice, a man's,answered, "Anastasia,I was beginning to think you were not coming home tonight."

Her ex-husband,Christian Grey,stood in the centre of her parlour with a dark possessive glint in his eyes. Ever since she divorced him six months ago,he'd been constantly stalking her and it was downright annoying. Now that he finally had her alone, it was not good.

Ana glared at him. "I was not the one who thought that beating up our children was a wise idea. You've changed Christian. I can't do this anymore so please just leave."

"Teddy and Phoebe?"

"Are with my mother. Now please leave."

He shook his head and began to advance on her. Ana took a step back,only to jump in fright when her phone began to ring.

Saved by the bell!

"If you tell them I'm here," He whispered in her ear. "I will kill you."

Anastasia gulped as she hesitantly answered the phone. It was her mother.

"Is this an emergency,mum? Call me when I get home,I could use some help with painting."

She then hung up. But by the time the policemen arrived,it was too late. Christian killed Anastasia.

How did her mom know she needed help?

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