98: Navy.

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During the end of world war II, A parent received a call from their son,who was one of the shoulders who fought for the country.

Parents: Hi,son!

Son: Hi. Can I ask you a question?

Parents: Sure.

Son: I have a friend ,who would be coming to stay over with us,when I get back.

Parents: Why are you making it sound like a problem?

Son: My friend has no hands or legs.

Parents: Oh,dear. We could take him,but...

Son: but?

Parents: he would be a burden. You know, since he can't move around on his own.

Son: Oh... Okay. I'll let him know. Service has killed me and I can't say how much I miss you guys right now?

Parents: huh?

Son: Bye!

Parents: Wait... What? When will you be coming home? Hello? Hello. Son!

That day,the parents got a letter from the navy stating that their son killed himself in the base. There was a not attached to it,which simply reads: I love you.

The parents went to the Navy to take his body,but the sight of their son,when they got there,made them burst into tears.


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