92: Snow & Blood.

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The snow covered lawn was splattered with deep red crimson,that could only be recognised as blood.

Mr Dakota was found dead at 13:00,outside his gigantic mansion. A messy blow to the back of his head was said to be the cause of his death,but the autopsy also showed that he was still alive after he was struck on the head. He likely died of hypothermia, but no one can overlook the fact that the blow to the head was the main reason why he was outside in the first place. So the case was ruled as murder.

Mr Dakota's dead body was found by his gardener,who immediately called the police and an ambulance.

Since there were only six,including the deceased Mr. Dakota,occupants in the house,The police questioned about their whereabout at the time of Mr. Dakota's demise.

The Gardener: I was shoveling the snow and found him dead as I was going to ask if I could leave early. It was below three degree Celsius. I could've gotten frostbite!

The wife: I was reading the paper and having my morning coffee. And I was also thinking of the Garden extension plan,ironically. The Garden is too small.

The Cook: I was preparing lunch. Are you officers going to stay for lunch? I believe I must make more! Would you,please,excuse me?

The Son: I was having a hot shower. Since the hot water just came back today.

The daughter: I was reading a book by the fire. No better way to relax.

Two people were arrested immediately.

Who were they?

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