137: Trick-Or-Treat.

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"Halloween? Who doesn't love Halloween?!" Abigail squealed as she struggled to fit into her pumpkin costume.

"Well,most of the world actually." Abigail's brother, Martin,answered grumpily. "Lots of places don't celebrate Halloween."

"Why are you in such a mood today,huh? Come on. It's-" Abigail whined in protest.

"Halloween,yeah I know." Martin frowned. "If you must know,I was invited to Zinnia's party and now,I can't go because I have to babysit you!"

"Zinnia's your girlfriend?"

"She's just a friend!"

"Mom! Martin's got a girlfriend."

"No! I don't. You know I don't mom." Martin yelled. "Abigail stop!"

Abigail,finally managing to squeeze herself inside her pumpkin costume looked at Martin with joyful eyes.

She couldn't wait to get started!

"Right,Abigail,once you have calmed down,I'll explain the rules. It's your first time trick-or-treating. I've put a flashlight in your treat basket. And here," Martin handed a flip-phone to her. "This phone has only my number on it. Call me if you get in trouble if we ever get separated. There are a lot of nasty people out there. Only go to areas you know well,like the small forest for example."

"Darling," Abigail's mother,June,called from the kitchen. "If you into any of daddy's scary business men,run. Dad had to cut them all loose,so be careful. They might want to get back at your daddy."

"Mom. Are you sure she should do this?" Martin begged.

"Of course not." June smiled. "But look at how excited she is!" She gestured at the eight-year old.

"Alright Abby,here we go." Martin said unenthusiastically.

They walked out the front door hand in hand and passed their neighbour who was watering his Petunias. He shot them a glare.

"You kids be careful out there. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

Abigail,still filled with joy,smiled,but Martin felt a shiver run down his spine. He grabbed his sister's hand and walked as fast as his legs could carry him away from that creepy old man.

"Don't talk to strangers! Don't go into stranger's houses,okay? We go to the houses whose owners we know well. Don't want anything to happen to you." Martin warned.

They both visited many different houses until Abigail let go of Martin's hand while he was to get some more candy. She then went into the wood,thinking it would be safe,because Martin had told her that she may go to places she knew well.

Martin hurriedly broke off the conversation he was having with his friend and ran after her,calling her name. Once deep into the wood,Martin came across a man he recognised as one of his dad's ex friend. He asked if he saw his sister and the man told Martin he hadn't.

A few hours later,Martin was standing over his sister's dead body.

Who killed her,even though she followed the precautions to an extent?

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