101: Dead Girlfriend.

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Leon tapped his feet against the floor of the elevator as it ascended to the eight floor,where his girlfriend lived.

He fumed silently,rehearsing what he was going to tell his girlfriend the minute he saw her.

They were supposed to go for their date last night and she stood him up;after all the pain he went through to plan the perfect night. And to make matters worse,she refused to pick any of his calls to her. That only served to fuel his anger the more.

"I'm sure that she would have a reasonable explanation for you." James Camden, his best friend,who was also a friend of his girlfriend,told him. "Shirley's not the type to stand people up,especially you."

Leon sighed. "You're right. But that doesn't mean I forgive her yet. She should have at least returned my calls."

The elevator came to a stop at the eight floor and the door slid open. Leon walked out of it with James right behind him. Shirley's door was the first on the right. He knocked on the door,then pressed the bell twice.

No reply.

Leon was livid now. "First she stood me up,next she refused to pick my calls and now,she's not answering the door?!"

James placed a hand on his arm. "Calm down friend. Try the knob first."

He did and surprisingly, the door swung open. James gave him the I told him so look before stepping into the dark parlour. Leon followed him behind and shut the door behind him. He reached over to where the switch was and flicked it.

Nothing happened.

"And now her light's are out." Leon said from somewhere in the dark. "There's a switch by the kitchen door. I would get it."

"Be careful." James told him.

"Well,I can't see." Leon replied as he ventured towards where he knew the kitchen would be. His fingers found the switch and he flicked it on. The room became bright instantly. He turned around to see James staring at something on the floor in front of him. Leon followed his gaze.

"What the fuck?!" He exclaimed at the sight of his girlfriend laying in the pool of her own blood on the floor.

She's been shot on the head.

James eyes met his across the room. "You killed her!" His voice held no doubt.

Leon hung his head in guilt.

How did James know this?

Submitted by: @TomKluiby.

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