CHAPTER [ 0 1 ]

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So here's the first chapter, I hope you enjoy! Please vote, comment and share if you like it, it would really help me out!

Happy reading :)

Happy reading :)

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"ROBYN Hale,"

The sound made Robyn snap out of her daydream. She cleared her throat as silently as it allowed her to and replied. A week ago, spending the weekend skiing with Kate seemed like an excellent idea to Robyn - only if she knew how much would change in a week. She could have picked up on the hints Dom was leaving but she could never have guessed he would ask Kate out so soon. She could also have never guessed he would enrol for the trip.

Since that lunch-time, Kate hasn't been the Kate Robyn knew. Although as a friend, Robyn was happy for her, she was also worried what this relationship would turn her best friend into. She glanced at Kate from the corner of her eye and saw her giggle like a little girl as Dom whispered something in her ear - it made Robyn cringe and she looked away immediately. She was starting to feel like an awkward third wheel and they hadn't even left the school premises yet.

Just as her thoughts cleared, a snowflake settled at the tip of Robyn's nose. She lifted her pointer finger and touched it. It instantly melted into her glove, leaving a small dark speck behind. Robyn tilted her head up and saw the entire sky sprinkling little white flakes.

"Now everyone, please check what coach and teacher you will be travelling with, the lists are stuck on that door over there,"

Kate discretely nudged Robyn in the ribs, silently pleading to check it for her. Robyn rolled her eyes and turned around, already dreading leaving her house that morning.

There was a swarm of students around the door. Robyn held her hands flat together in front of her and squeezed past her classmates.

"Excuse me."

A few grunts of disapproval were thrown at her but she ignored them.

She used her index finger to trace down the names on one of the lists. Robyn noticed there were some Year 13s mixed among her year and inwardly groaned. She really wasn't fond of them. Her finger swiped down Kate Bloomfield and, instantly, Robyn prayed for her name to come up next. Instead -

Ray Carter

She halted her movement for a second, then blinked and went back to scanning for her name. Dominic Wright came up next and this time Robyn didn't bother holding the groan in. She had nearly lost hope of at least travelling with her friend as she neared the end of the list, but, to her relief, her name was there. The last one. A satisfactory grin broke through her face as she pushed her way out of the crowd. She spotted Kate standing by the entrance alone and jogged up to her.

"Where did lover boy go?"

Kate pointed behind Robyn at a group of students having a smoke. Robyn scrunched her nose to show her dislike. "How do you breath next to him?"

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