Chapter eight: Photos

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Garroth's P.O.V.

I finally sit up I see Laurance and Travis standing in the hall I look at my phone.


3 new messages from [Aph]

Aph: Hey, Garroth, u awake yet if u r can u, and the guys come over except for Vylad?

Aph: Don't think it's anything bad it's just that I have to talk to u guys

Aph: I'm making bacon~

You: Yeah we'll be there but if you don't mind me asking, why can't Vylad come? Is something wrong?

Aph: No, Travis hasn't told you yet? 

You: Told me what? Aphmau what's going on, what's wrong with my baby bro?

Aph: There's nothing wrong with him he just did something.. I don't know how he did it.. but he did..

You: Aphmau! Please just tell me, what did Vylad do?

Aph: Garroth, calm down I will explain once you guys get here, ok?

You: Fine, but you better..

Aph: Trust me, I will..

"Guys, we have to go to Aph's.."

"Ok, I'll go get Zane."


"Laurance can you come in here so we can talk?"

"Oh, uh, sure, Garroth.."

"So.. Tell me the truth.. what did Vlyad do..?"

"Baby, you know I want to tell you.. but I can't can you wait until we get to Aph's?"

"Why do I have to wait 'till we get to Aph's.. Travis told you didn't he? Do you love me, Laurance?"


"Then you'll tell me what my brother did.."

"Garroth.. H-h-he took pictures of us hitting on Aph on Travis's phone, so now he has pictures of all of us hitting on Aph.."

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit on her, and if I did last night I was probably drunk and I-"

"Garroth, love, don't worry about it. I don't care if you did and I don't think you did.. even if you did, I still love you.."

I feel tears streaming down my face. I see Laurance coming over to me and he gives me the biggest hug he's ever given me I stayed clamped with him for about 10 minutes my tears all over his shoulder.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I hear Travis say I lift up my head and I can see Zane was just crying as well.  I look at him and I let go of Laurance and I go over to hug Zane.

"May I ask why these pictures are so bad? I mean they look as if they're from a long time ago, so why do they matter?" Laurance asks quietly.

"Because he has  access to these photos and if he shows Aaron we could be screwed we could lose everyone.." Dante replies from behind Travis and Zane with tears filling his eyes but I could tell he was trying his hardest to hold them back.

"If he hasn't already..." Travis says as he looks at the ceiling 

"We should get to Aph's before Vylad gets up."

"Yeah, let's go.."

Aphmau's P.O.V.

"So, uhm, this is awkward for me too but those photos.. they're from a long time ago and I wanted to let you guys know that I don't have romantic or sexual attractions to any of you I only have feelings for Aaron.." 

"Yeah, we know and those photos are from like high school, aren't they? From like before you and Aaron were together.. I- er, we wanted you to know that we didn't want you to tell Aaron, please.. we don't want to lose anyone from our group, you know what I mean?" Laurance explains.

"Y-y-you don't want me to tell Aaron.. I don't want to keep secrets.. but if you guys want me to I guess I could..


Incoming call from [Vylad]

I hit accept and I heard Vlyad's voice. It didn't sound right but I didn't question it.


"Hey, Aph are the guys with you?"

The guys all made gestures to say no..

"Uh, no, they aren't at the house?"

"No, they aren't I wonder where they are..?"

"No idea, well I have to go I have some work to do, so bye, Vylad."

"Ok, bye, Aph."

Call Ended

"Thanks, Aph you saved us from a lot of explaining.. heh." Travis laughed.

"Yeah, I just hope I can keep this secret for you guys I'd feel bad if I couldn't..."

Laurance, my Love {A Garrance/Laurroth Fanfiction AU}Where stories live. Discover now