Chapter eleven: Visiting

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Laurance's P.O.V.

We finally arrive at the hospital, surprisingly there were a lot of people, we walk up to the reception desk.

"How can I help you gentlemen?"

"Uh, we're here to see Vylad Ro'Meave." Garroth says almost crying I wanted to comfort him but it wasn't the right time. 

"Oh, alright you will be heading upstairs to room 349."

"Alright, thank you." I say so Garroth doesn't have to talk.

"No problem."

We start heading down the hall to the elevator and I press the "up" arrow and we get inside and I press the "2" and we go up to the second floor and rush to room 349 and see Dante crying and holding Vylad.

"Hey, bud, how ya doin'?" I ask.

"Oh, thank Irene you guys are here! I've been doing this all night so, thank you for coming.."

"Yeah, no problem.."

"Oh, Zane, Travis, I didn't know you guys were coming."

"Surprise?" Travis said.

"Heh, yeah, I guess, thanks for coming. I can use your support." Dante said with a smile.

"Do you want to talk, Dante, cause I'm here if you need it.."  Garroth said in his soothing and calming voice that he used if I was upset or mad or anything bad he would use "the voice" as I called it.

"Thanks. But I think I'm alright for now."

"Alright, good."

"Anyway, guys, the room we're, er well you're staying in is right next to this one, so room 348."

"Gotcha." I say as we walk into the room it was like it was meant for this purpose.

"Laurance, I brought our sweatshirts, which one do you want?"

"Yours, obviously."

"Alright then I'll take yours."

"Babe, can I use your sweatshirt?" Travis asked Zane as he looked at us seeming kinda jealous.

"Sure, or would you want the mask?"

"Hmmmm is there an option for both?"

"Of course there is, love~."

"Man, you guys really are cute." Garroth says as Zane and Travis blush a soft pink.

"Hey, what about us..?" I say giving Garroth the lip.

"Oh, Laurance, darling, I've got something other than words for you~." I blush a bright red and he walks over, picks me up, and I wrap my arms around his neck and he starts kissing my lips, I obviously kiss right back. 10 minutes until Zane stopped us.. That's how long we kissed, but we were sleeping in the same bed as always so there was more to come. I put my forehead on his and i whisper:

"More for me tonight, right?"

"Gotta think about it hehe."

"WHAT?!" I yell forgetting my mouth was right by this ear, he covers his ear.

"Ow.. was not expecting that, so ow."

"Sorry, oh my Irene, I am so sorry!" 

"Don't worry love, you're alright."

Laurance, my Love {A Garrance/Laurroth Fanfiction AU}Where stories live. Discover now