Chapter nineteen - Explinations

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Laurence's P.O.V.

I hurry up the stairs and outside Garroth's door I hear crying but it's quiet and muffled, like something's covering him. I open the door to see Garroth in one of my green striped sweatshirts and he's covering his face, so that's why he sounded quieter.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong with my little GarGar?" I ask trying to make him feel better.

"My dad hates me because I'm bi.." he cries. I stare at him wide eyed realizing that it's my fault he's upset..

"G-Garroth.. I.."

"I'm sorry.." I said I couldn't make it any better, babe.."

"Don't be, it's fine.. i-it wasn't your fault."

"Alright, I love you~."

"Love you too baby."

I kiss Garroth on the lips and cuddle him until he gets up and walks downstairs.

"Where you going, GarGar?" I tease.

"T-to talk to my dad.."

"Want me to come with?"

"I'd like that.."

We walk down the stairs and see everyone back on the couch Dante was out getting groceries or something so he wasn't there.

"G-Garroth, I'm not mad or disappointed in you, nor should I be. I can't stop who you love, I don't care if you're gay, straight, bi or even a potato for that matter, Garroth, I'm proud of you for being you." Garte said as we got down there.

I go behind Garroth and wrap my arms around him, causing him to tense up for just a second.

"I er, we can all obviously see that your happy with each other, and we're all very proud of you both." Mom says to both of us.

"Garroth, I didn't mean to come off as disappointed, or something, because I'm not, sometimes it just comes off wrong. I'm sorry." Garte says and covers his face with his hand.

"Dad, it's fine you didn't mean any harm, I just took it the wrong way." Garroth says but I can tell that he's still upset I'm still behind him with my arms around his waist I lean my head on his back he turns around quick and kisses my lips.

"Yup he's mine, and he's not going anywhere for a long while." He says and smiles. I smile back and I kind of blush because we've never really kissed in front of people on purpose before, it was all by accident.

"And he's mine, I couldn't live without him." I say and hug him tight.

"OH MY GAWSH YOU GUYS ARE SO CUUUTE!!!!" Cadenza yells out.

We both blush and shrug then we go over and sit on the couch with everyone else.

"Anyone want to watch 'Breaking Bad'?" Vylad randomly blurts.

"Sure." Everyone said at the same time so we watched it until the parents and Cadenza left.

Laurance, my Love {A Garrance/Laurroth Fanfiction AU}Where stories live. Discover now