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"Bro, you ready?" Archie knocked on Betty's bedroom door.

He had been waiting for about two hours now for Jughead to be done with the two obsessive girls who were trying to make him look perfect for his prom "date". Archie almost regretted asking his lonely friend to the prom as a friend, no homo, bro. What if people thought he was gay?

No, they wouldn't. He wouldn't even touch him at all, I mean maybe a bro hug. He would talk to Jughead for like two minutes, and then dance with him once. Not a slow dance though. That's not his style.

"Give is two more minutes. We have to add something else." Betty said on the other side of the door.

"Don't make him look extra." The red head laughed.

"Oh, he will be."


The door finally opened after fifteen minutes, though Archie was promised two minutes.

Jughead walked out in a black tux, his hat a little off to the side.

But when Archie saw it his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped to the floor.

Jughead finally had eyeliner on both of his eyes. The ginger felt the feeling down in his stomach again, and even a little lower. Which he was very confused about.

He covered his downstairs, and gave Jug a big smile. Maybe, just maybe, he would be able to hang out with the eyeliner boy just a couple minutes longer tonight.

"You look am- awesome, bro." Archie laughed, trying to play it cool.

"Thanks. Can we just go, and get this over with?" Jughead turned to Betty and Veronica.

"Yep, let's get out of here."


The friends walked outside to see something that didn't belong on the side of the street.

A large white limo was parked next to sign on the sidewalk. Archie knew only one person who had that much money to get a limo, and was obsessed with him.

Cheryl Blossom.

The limo door opened slowly opened to show Cheryl sitting with her legs crossed. She had a long tan dress with some jewels that lead down the side.

"Well, are you ready, babe?" She patted the seat next to her, and Archie immediately turned to Jug. The black haired boy responded with a shrug of his shoulders, and a tiny sigh.

"Nope, I'm taking Jughead. Not you Cheryl."

"But, I have a limo, and he doesn't." She tried to convince him.

"Well, your'e a bitch, and he isn't."

Cheryl put her hand to her chest, and Veronica went up and slammed the limo door. They all started to laugh as the limo slowly started to pull away.

"That was a good one." Jug complimented the red head.

"Let's get going." Archie smiled.


Jughead saw the bright lights coming through from the gymnasium doors, and immediately got nervous. Not nervous because he would have to be with Archie. Well, because he had to witness a prom.

He never planned on going. Ever since he was little, he never had a thing for giant parties or events. He would hide when his Mom would say it was time to go to his family reunion. The little Jughead just didn't want to get attention from his relatives.

"Oh my, look how much you've grown." Jughead's Grandma would pinch his cheeks.

"My we got a looker in the family, and I'm not talking about me this time." His Uncle Joe would grunt, and take a sip of his beer. Then he'd do his famous, low laugh. (he ended up being a child sex offender)

And last but not least, his little cousins.

"I WANT TO PLAY WITH HIM!"Polly would grab Jug's jacket, and pull him to one side.

"HE'S MY BEST FRIEND! I GET TO!" Ryder would kick, and scream while gripping his other side.

"I regret this." Teenage Jughead mumbled under his breath.


Sorry, I've been gone

Wattpad was not working correctly and then I got writers block

So, I'll try to do some more things with this book

Thx for reading

Love you all :)

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