✔️twenty seven✔️

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He sat on the steps of the police station, his head in his hands and his phone ringing waiting for his boyfriend to pick up. His boyfriend who had taken his virginity just the night before. The last few rings went and Archie's voice never came.

A small sob left Jughead's frowning lips. He then felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Jug, don't be upset." His dad took a seat next to him.

"I'm not upset that the person's still out there. I'm just upset that a man who didn't even do it is going to have his life ruined."

"But, Jug, that's the way life is sometimes."

Jug was dumbfounded. How can someone sit by as an innocent man is put away in jail? He didn't know his dad could be anything like that. The man he looked up to.

"This is fucked."


"Stop asking questions. It's between Jug and I."

Archie was being interrogated by his lesbian friends. He hadn't said a word about what him and his boyfriend did last night but for some reason they just knew. Betty immediately ran up to him and asked how the sex was.

They're actually crazy, he thought.

"How do you even know?"

"Look at you. You're a new man Archie Andrews." Betty put her hand on his shoulder with a very excited look on her face.

He turned around releasing her hand from him.

"Wait, why are you even at my house?" The red head sat on his own couch.

"We decided to come early to dinner. We wanted to hang with you." Veronica sat next to him.

"Okay, first of all, it is nine the morning, that is very early for dinner. And what dinner?" It was always a confusing time around these two.

"Your dad invited us all over for dinner tonight." Veronica saw his face still twisted in confusion so she added, "Us, Jug and his dad, and well, you! He wanted to celebrate the project Fp and him gave finished! It's so exciting, the money they're gonna make." She looked off into the distance with a mesmerized look.

"Okay, that's exciting. But why are y'all here so freaking early?"

They looked at each other and laughed and said in unison, "Wellllll."


"No, absolutely not."

"Your toxic masculinity is showing." V held the eyeliner in her hand trying to get Archie to sit still. "Hold his head, babe."

Betty put her arms around the top of Archie's head.

"CHILL! Fine! I'll let you do it, but i'm cleaning it before Jug can see!" The red head tried to compromise with the very persistent girls in front of him.

So, he sat there as the eyeliner was put on his eyelids. He then looked in the mirror and for some reason he believed that if he stood beside Gigi Hadid no one would be able to tell them apart. He was, what they say, model material.

"Wow, I'm hot."

His phone began to ring so he went to pick it up. Betty snatched it away.

"We need to do a photoshoot. Come on, don't be distracted. Models have to focus."

"Okay, but quick before Jug can see."

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