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Jug chased after Archie trying to get him to calm down. He was under tables, over tables, and somehow in tables.

"Archie! Get down!" Jughead yelled up to the drunk guy, getting on some random peoples table.

"But I need to fly! It's my dream!" Archie slowly stepped down, crossed his arms, and pouted. "Why are you not letting me live my dream?"

"Arch, it's not your dream. Please, let's just get you home." The black haired boy grabbed the red haired boys hand, and tugged on it. He just wanted to get him out of the school, so he wouldn't annoy anyone. But really, what does Jug care if Archie goes off and ruins a persons high school prom experience. That would be awesome.

"Hey, Archie, I'm sorry. You should live your dream, and you know what your other dream is?"

"No, what is it?" The drunk red head got really excited, and curious of what his other dream was.

"See that girl over there," Jug turned Archie to face a blonde haired girl, who did not have enough dress on her back and front, "You've always wanted to shove that cake, on the table, in her face."

"Oh, really?! I can achieve my dream right now!" Archie started to walk over to her, and you could see his eyes connected to the frosted piece of cake sitting on the table.

All of a sudden, Jughead had a change of heart. He realized that when they would come back to school Archie would totally get backlash for it. So, he ran after him. It was all slow motion as Archie went to pick up the cake, and Jug went to grab him.

It was too late, so the running boy jumped in front of the moving cake. The cake, and Jug's face instantly connected.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, looked over, and started laughing. Archie had a smirk on his face, but it disappeared quickly. Jughead saw the drunk boy's eyes fill up with tears. So, being the "nice" person Jug was, he pulled Arch outside of the gym, and into the hallway.

There were tears running down Archie's tomato colored cheeks. He was sobbing. Sobbing for no apparent reason.

"Why are you crying?" Jughead asked, just standing next to him being confused with chocolate cake all over his face.

"B-because I hit you, I-I didn't mean too. I w-wanted to hit the girl, it's m-my d-dream. And now you're mad at me. Cause you d-don't like me, but I like you. B-but in the no homo, bro w-way. But the problem I-I've been holding i-inside is that I don't know if it's n-no homo, bro, or homo,bro anymore. C-cause you make me all warm inside when you have eyeliner on. And now I'm just rambling, a-and-"

Jughead wrapped his arms around the crying boy, and he responded by leaning his head on his shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm not mad."

'He's drunk, he's drunk, he doesn't mean any of the things he's saying' Jug tried to remind himself.

This was nothing like their last hug, this one was comforting and peaceful. No one was grabbing anyone's ass, the eyeliner boy, just wanted to comfort the "maybe sexuality confused" boy.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better"

The two boy's could hear come from the other room, and the black haired one got an idea.

Jughead let go of Archie, and ran into the bathroom. He washed off his face in the matter of two seconds, and ran back out.

Archie stood near the gym doors, wiping his dry tears. The black haired boy could tell he had sobered up quite a bit after their sweet encounter.

The dim light coming through the gym doors shone on the red heads face, and Jug had the rush of just wanting to grab it and kiss it all over. But, he just ran back down the hallway.

Archie turned to him immediately, and the eyeliner boy held his hand out to him. He then curtsied, and asked...

"Would you care to dance, my prince?"

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