The Promise

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Yeon Rin's POV

My heart pounded when sansaengnim told Chanyeol that he wants to talk to me privately. No doubt, I can sense that Chanyeol's worried too.

"I'll see you in a bit, you can perhaps go and buy coffee first" I said, assuring him that I will be okay.

"Oh.. ara- arasseo.." he nodded. After Chanyeol left the room, the atmosphere became a bit more serious.

"Park Yeon Rin.." Sansaengnim called.

"Nae" I answered timidly.

"As what I told Chanyeol and you just now, I won't break you up. So you can relax, this is not where the father will give his son's girlfriend a sum of money so that she would break up with his son" he jested.

"Ah, nae.." I slightly chuckled and got myself a bit more comfortable on the chair.

"However, I see you as my daughter. As much as I want to protect my artists, it's the same as how much I want to protect my workers" he stated.

"But you should know, if anything happens between the two of you, it's Chanyeol that needs more protection than you" he admitted.

"I know that very well, sansaengnim" I nodded.

"At first, I too, was worried if anything bad happens between us.. but after realising that I really love that person, I've come to a decision that even if it means quitting my job, I'll do anything to protect him.." I vowed.

Sansaengnim stayed quiet for a while before giving me that father-smile of his.

"Thank you, Yeon Rin ah.." he said.

"Well, you are excused. Remember, if Chanyeol does anything bad, tell me right away. I'll teach him a lesson" he joked.

"Aigoo~ Nae, sansaengnim!" I stood up and bowed before leaving his office.

Feeling at peace, I made my way back to the studio.

"Oh, you're back" Chanyeol who was sitting on the sofa stood up.

"Why aren't you practicing?" I smiled as I came to him and pulled him to sit down.

"..........." he looked down at the neckace that was on the palm of his hand.

"I was worried.." he breathed and looked up to me.

"I was worried about you.." he repeated.

"Awwwww" I couldn't help but to laugh as I pull him into my embrace.

"Yah, Park Chan Yeol, how can you flutter my heart like this" I hit his arms.

"Are you really okay?" he snuggled in my embrace.

"I'm finee~~ Sansaengnim only reminded me to tell him if you broke my heart. So that he could teach you a lesson" I explained.

"Jinjja?" He asked. "Of coursee" I nodded.

Chanyeol sighed in relief as he sat down properly. "Let me put on your gift" he changed the topic and gestured me to face my back on him.

"Arasseo" I excitedly nodded and faced back.

"Jaa~" as I lift up my hair, he puts on my necklace.

"Yass this looks good on me! Come come, I'll help you with yours too" I clapped my hands and put on his necklace.

Looking at my locket, I mumbled.

"I wonder what will happen if we combine our lockets while we're wearing them" I asked.

"You really want to know?" Chanyeol smirked. After seeing his face, I quickly pushed him away, realising what will happen if the lockets are combined.

Suddenly Chanyeol pulled me closer, causing me to fall in his embrace.

Looking right into my eyes, he took my locket and combined it with his.

"It will leave only an inch between us both" he answered my question.

"Ara-arasseo, I understand" I nodded but before I could pull myself away, he held the back of my head and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

Seperating our lockets, he held my hand.

"Come on, baby, I need to improve my triplet notes" he said.

Smiling, I nodded.

"Eung~ Let's go!"

For sure, I love this guy.. and I'll do whatever it takes, to protect him.

Hi everyone!

What do you think about the new cover? 🌸

I'm gonna give you a sneak peak of what's gonna happen in the next few chapters xx

1) Cheesy
2) ....problems?

It's almost 'that' part of the story, if you know what I mean ;)

I hope all of you are feeling happy and healthy. If you're having a bad day today, don't worry, good days are coming! Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can!

The weird author who loves you endlessly,
SushiQwi 💖

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