Worries and Trust

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Yeon Rin's POV

*knock knock*

"Sansaengnim, it's me, Park Yeon Rin" I announced.

"Nae, come in" he called.

Entering his office, sansaengnim gestured me to sit down.

"Is there anything I can do for you, sansaengnim?" I asked.

"I guess you do.." he took off his glasses and let out a deep sigh.

"Listen, Ye- Yeon Rin.." he stuttered.

"It's um, it's.. ah, in what way can I explain it to you.." he massaged his forehead.

With that look on his face, I know, this is not about work.

"S- sansaengnim.." I softly called him.

Looking at me, I gave him a genuine smile.

"It's okay, you can give it to me straight" I informed.

Sighing again, he sat properly and nodded.

He then takes out a small envelope and gave it to me.

Inside the envelope, is a ticket to.. Japan?

"This Wednesday, you will be going to our branch in Tokyo" he instructed.

Confused, I looked at him.

"I'll.. I'll be going to Japan?" I asked.

"Anyi.. You'll be working in Japan" he corrected.

My eyes widen as I gasp in disbelief.

"You're called to help their music department" he explained.

Going through the ticket in my hands, I see the flight name, date and time.

I've got less than a week..

"Wha- so, so this means I'll be-"

"You're transfering to Japan.." he stated, clearing my thoughts.

"I see.. this is- this is so sudden" I let out a deep breath.

"But, sansaengnim.." I then realised that something is wrong.

"Why do you seem so down?" I asked.

"Yeon Rin ah.." he called my name.

"You'll be working there for 2 years" he declared.

2 years..?

Puzzled, I repeated his sentences.

"I'll be working there for 2 years?" I asked.

"Nae.." he nodded.

"I- I understand.." I slightly nodded.

By those words and that look on his face, I know what it means.

It's either a long distance relationship or the things between me and Chanyeol might end right after he comes back from Shanghai.

"Then I guess I'll just.. I'll just have to go then.." I said.

"I'm very sorry Yeon Rin ah.. I don't want to break the two of you up but I'm worried if Cha-" sansaengnim apologised.

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