Author's Note

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Hi everyone~

It's been quite a while since I posted any updates on wattpad right? I'm sorry.. I guess I kind of lost interest for a while before starting to write again, I really am sorry, especially to those who were waiting for my updates.

So many things happened, PCY's birthday, Elyxion, Exo's sudden song release, MAMA being stupid and MMA did great, D.O's bald and a lot more.

I've been drafting a few chapters actually, it's just that I'm not quite satisfied with them, which is also why I haven't been updating any new chapters..

But anyways, I think it's time to stop worrying and just write whatever that came into my mind haha~

I'll be posting the next chap this weekend. Until then,

Xoxo, SushiQwi ♥️

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