25: Obsessive Admirer

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It felt like her head was being hammered repeatedly, causing her to groan and bury her face between her knees as she curled into a fetus position on the cold, hard floor

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It felt like her head was being hammered repeatedly, causing her to groan and bury her face between her knees as she curled into a fetus position on the cold, hard floor. Cold, hard floor? Her eyes automatically opened in question but she immediately closed it again for another round of pain hits her.

She tried to calm herself down, hoping it could somehow help in her current situation. Once she felt the ache decreasing, she slowly opened her eyes again, sitting up and was momentarily confused. Everything was red. Are her eyes tricking her? Whatㅡ

She gasped, her eyes widening and her heart starting to race. Her hands covered her mouth as she continued gazing at the pictures hanging on a string on both sides of the room ㅡ some even taped on the wall.

She was in a dark room where photos are developed ㅡ that's why the light is red and there are strange machines around. But what was making her body tensed were the A5-sized developed photos or to be more precise, the subject of the said images.

It was Jungkook.

Everywhere she looks, there is a photo of him in every angle and any kind of distance. She stood and slowly made her way to the right side of the room. She can't believe what she is seeing, this is a work of an obsessed stalker! She checked the hanged ones first before averting her gaze to the ones on the wall. She immediately found the difference, the photos taped on the wall includes even his childhood photos!

But the weird thing is, they were visibly ripped. Like Jungkook was supposed to be with other people in the pictures, but he was separated from them to be added in this wall of madness. There's this one ㅡ he looks around eight years old or nine ㅡ where he was sending the camera a big smile, while an arm was casually resting atop his shoulders.

The owner of the said arm was left unknown because the photo was torn apart, though something caught her eye. She hurriedly removed the masking tape holding the photo and brought it near her face.

That bracelet... she knew who that bracelet belongs to! The said bracelet was cinched around Jungkook's anonymous friend's wrist. And if this person was really the one she's thinking, then her situation just got ten times more confusing!

The door knob suddenly started to move, like someone's unlocking it. Lisa turned to the door, ready to know who the mastermind is. Her heart continued to beat in such a fast pace, making her breathing deep as she unconsciously held the photo tight.

Finally, the door was pushed open revealing the 'boss.' She took a step back, surprised of who greeted her. "You?" She unbelievably said.

The person tauntingly smiled at her, "you like the room? I love it so much. I get to keep my prized possessions here." She was still speechless but somehow, relief grew in her chest. "What? You think I'll stop in just slapping you? After the humiliation you gave me? Huh?" Tzuyu venomously uttered.

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