Meeting: BTS Pt.2

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The improvisation dance you and Hana did is up above.


Namjoon POV

After PD NIM told us we had to split into groups to help them with basic dance moves he left.I looked at everyone as a signal to not pair up with the foreigner and leave her out of the groups.

" Okay lets split up." I yelled my plans going into action.

As we were splitting I noticed that Y/n was by herself but she didn't look fazed. WHY? She just stared at us, then shrugged her shoulders and started stretching. Is she a experienced dancer already? Shit.

I then overheard Yoongi and Taehyung talking badly about Y/n to Hana. But, Hana walked away from them leaving me and the rest of the group dumfounded. Well its not like Y/n understands Korean.

"Y/n you wanna stretch together," she asked in Korean.


Wait. She understands korean. That means she understood what Yoongi and Taehyung said. I then looked back at them and they looked as dumbfounded as me.

After they were done stretching they did improv dancing to Humble.( video above)

When they finished Y/n walked out because we decided to not give her a water bottle.( just to let you know Hana doesn't know about the water bottle situation.)

Once Y/n left Yoongi got up and followed her out of the practice room.


"I'm always so tired after dancing. I wanna go to sleep."

As I was talking to myself on the way to the water fountain somebody tapped my shoulder scaring the living shit out of me.

"WHAT THE F-, oh it's just you. Phew you scared me for a second."

"Why are becoming an idol here?" Yoongi asked in a angry tone.

Is....he serious right now.

"Because I want to be an Idol here." I answered in a 'why else would I be here' tone.

He glared at me and said, " Go back to your country nobody even wants you here."

He probably thought this statement would have me running and crying back to my country. So I simply stared at him because of his stupidity. Then I walked away from him. As I walked away I said," Your opinion is irrelevant to me so don't waste your breath."

I then walked back into the practice room only to be jumped by Hana.

"What the hell Hana!"

"Y/N!" she yelled.


"When we go back to the house can I have more Sour Kids.", she asked.

"It's called Sour Patch Kids and yes you can have some more. I have about ten bags of them anyways."

My phone then started ringing letting me know someone was facetiming me.

I looked at the caller I.D. and it was my bestfriend Tyler.( when the sentences are in italics that means she or someone else are talking in English.)

" YAAAAASSSSS IT'S MY BIIIITTCH," I said as I answered Tyler.

"Who's you calling a bitch bitch," he said with a smile on his face.

" I missed you so much Tyler. Why didn't you come to the airport before I left."

"Oh...Yeah about that. I fell asleep on the couch when I was waiting to go to the airport to say buy to you. But I didn't wake up until an hour after you left," he explained.

Man he always fell asleep at the worst time.

"Oh Y/n who is that behind you?," Tyler asked.

I turned around and it was Hana. So I decided to introduce her to Tyler.

"Tyler can you speak in Korean her English isn't that good."

"Okay Y/n whatever you say."

*Back to speaking Korean*

" Okay Tyler this is Hana. Hana this is Tyler."

"Hi Tyler it's nice to meet you," Hana said in a monotone voice. She speaks like that when she is nervous.

"Hi Hana it's nice to meet you. Have you been nice to my Y/n?" Tyler said joking around.

"No I've been bullying her and I stole all her snacks and ate them." Hana explained.

Tyler and I both faked surprised expressions on our face and gasped. After that disaster Tyler had more news to tell us.

"Oh by the way Y/n. Your mom wanted me to tell you that we are all going to visit you this week. To meet your group.", Tyler chirped excitedly.

"Well I think that Hana is the only one that would want to meet my family. And is mom cooking?'

" Yes she's going to cook," he said which had me screaming in joy. But that was shortly interrupted when he then asked," Why wouldn't the rest of the group want to meet us?'

"They don't exactly like me Tyler. Even the K-Pop group that's helping us with basic dance moves don't like me." I whispered.

"Okay hold on. First of all, why would you need help with basic dance moves. You are the best dancer at the dance academy, and succeeded in all types of dance categories. Second of all, if they don't want to help you ill find a job there so I can be like your personal assistant that helps with choreography and all that other good stuff." Tyler yelled. And since he was yelling in Korean they all glared at me but I just rolled my eyes.

"Well since you are coming here can you bring 10 bags of Hot Cheetos." I asked.

He simply stared at me and said," You are such a fatass Y/n."

"*Gasps* How could you say that to me Tyler. I mean I have a fatass but you see these beautiful thighs, these big breast that are a burden but great assets. And these awesome abs," I said as I lifted my shirt to show him my stomach.

"Y/ do realize we are still talking in Korean right."

"Oh shit your right," I whispered. " Sorry," I said as I turned to the others. But I didn't talk to them long enough to realize the expressions they had on their faces.

"Well Tyler do you want me to ask PD Nim if you can work here."

"Bish I'm already here."

It was then that I noticed the background was the BigHit Building. I squealed grabbed Hana's hand and ran to the front of the building.



But I know this chapter was kinda weird but lets see what there reactions are when they meet Tyler in person then after that chapter we will move on to another group.

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