EXO Pt. 3

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Hana POV

I wonder why some of the groups don't like Y/n. I mean she didn't do anything to them. Well its almost time to do my dance for the Sexy concept.


Wow Hana did a excellent job as usual I'm so proud of her. Now its my turn to go dance. But unlike the others I chose to have a dance partner which is Tyler. He said he was excited because we haven't danced together in like a year. Okay time to start.

"Tyler," I called out," It's almost our turn."

"Well almost time to go grind on each other." Tyler stated bluntly.

"Tyler shut up jesus Christ." he's so embarrassing sometimes.

"OK Tyler were up"

Baekhyun POV

Tyler and Y/n went into their positions and the music started playing. They were going to dance to 'Crazy in Love' but the Fifty Shades of Grey version of it. It was kind of a turn on watching her dance. I seem to be the only one in our group that doesn't have a problem with her. The rest of them only don't like her because of what BTS told us. Saying that she is rude to her group and that she's bossy. She seems nice to me. I looked at my other members and they looked dazed as they watched her dancing.

When the dance ended Y/n immediately laid down on the ground and fell asleep. Wait what.


I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep.

Tyler POV

Oh jesus she's doing it again. I looked up at EXO and they looked confused.

"Whenever Y/n feels extremely tired she fall asleep. ANYWHERE. ANYTIME. This is totally normal so don't worry I got it." I explained.

I then picked her up since it was time to go back to the dorms anyway. We all got into the van and went back to the dorms. As I walked inside I saw Mrs. Y/L/N smiling when she saw Y/n. The others looked at her when they saw her smiling.

"Why are you smiling Mrs. Y/L/N?", Jimin asked.

"My youngest baby became sleepy again." she answered back.

They then all looked at Y/n who was sleeping on my back.

"Gabby since your sister is asleep why don't you come in here and help me cook."

Gabby groaned but she got up and wobbled her way to the kitchen anyways.

"Mom," Gabby complained," Why do I have to help I'm pregnant why cant Tyler help?"


"Fine what do you need help with."

I'll just put Y/n on the couch so I don't have to walk upstairs. The rest of the groups came into the area where Y/n was sleeping.

"What are you doing in here?", I asked quietly so Mrs. Y/L/N wouldn't hear.

"What do you mean?", Jimin asked.

"Nevermind.", I replied I didn't feel like fighting anyone today. So I picked her up to take her to her room.

"Hana you wanna go watch TV in Y/n's room until she wakes up." I asked.

"Obviously plus I know where her secret stash of those American snacks are," Hana answered. "But don't tell her I know where they are."

"If you know where her secret stash of snacks are you are now part of the Y/L/N family."

"OML really it's such an honor," we joked around completely forgetting the others were here.

"Um.....can I join?", I turned to see who asked and it was Baekhyun. I smiled because Baekhyun is Y/n's Bias in EXO.

"Sure, Y/n loves making new friends. And don't tell her I told you but your her bias in EXO."

He blushed furiously when I told him that. But Y/n started to wake up and she is angry when she wakes up. So I set her down on the couch before she could hit me.

"Guys back away slowly from the couch if you don't want to get hurt."

"Why," Yoongi asked.

"Because she gets really pissed when she is woken up by someone. Now lets leave before she wa-"

"Which idiot woke me up. I swear I'm going to castrate them."

"Y/n wake up all the way."


Where am I?

"Which idiot woke me up. I swear I'm going to castrate them.

"Y/n wake up all the way."

Who the hell is talking to me? I then opened my eyes to see that it was Tyler who called my name out. Why is everybody else in here. Half of them don't even like me.

"Y/n your speaking outloud again.", Tyler said.


"You said,' Why is everybody else here. Half of them don't even like me.' your words not mine.

"OK", I replied," I want food."

"Well the food isn't ready yet so we were going to go watch movies in your room. Oh and Baekhyun wants to come to." Tyler said.

I instantly perked up when he said. I'm going to ask GOT7 if they want to come. Since all our rooms are the sizes of a small apartment.

"Hey um GOT7 do you guys want to come watch movies with us?"


"Hey um GOT7 do you guys want to come watch movies with us?"


Hey guys I'm going to have to stop it right here because I don't want to miss my bus and I doing this on my laptop. I'll be working on the next chapter during school. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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