Chapter 14

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Lunch ended and we all walked to class. I was still lost in my own thoughts. Ashley noticed and put her arm around my shoulders before going back to talking. I smiled a bit, because just the thought of having someone who knows you so well they can tell when something is off. It's a great thing to have, to me at least.

We walked like that until we all got to the door for history. We all sat by each other in the back of the class and they continued talking. I wasn't listening to the conversation until my name was brought up in it. I look up confused at one of the girls, her name was crystal. I asked her "Hey Crystal why did you say my name?"

She looked at me and said "Because you weren't listening and I know when someone says your name you look up." She laughed after that and the other girls laughed too. I was laughing with them.  Then I said "That is very true." After that I joined into their conversation until the class started. The bell then rang and we slowly all stopped talking and paid attention to what the teacher was saying.

The class was so boring all we did was read. The teacher had people read and I hated that even more. Some people read way to slow so I just end up reading it on my own. The last person finally finished so then the teacher said we had to answer some questions about what we just read. Luckily it was only 5 questions, usually it was 10.

I didn't really do anything at first because I didn't feel like doing anything at the moment. So I looked around the room for a bit and saw everyone writing or looking at the clock. I decided I didn't want to do this for homework so I started my work which took way longer then I thought.

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