Chapter 40

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The rest of the day went smoothly.  Mason managed to make me forget about all my problems.  I was currently in photography class still thinking about Mason.  My thoughts were disrupted when I heard my name being called from behind me.  I turned around and Ariana was calling me.  She was smiling and asked me "What has you smiling so much Sam?" 

I hadn't realized that I was smiling at my blank computer screen.  I answered back with "Oh nothing really I just can't wait until Friday."  She nodded while smiling and then went back to work.  I decided to finally figure out what pictures I was going to use for the fair.  I put in my ear buds and then went through my phone pictures.  I ended up not finding a picture on my phone so I just sat in my seat listening to music until class was over.

Once the bell rang I got up and walked out of class.  I decided I just wanted to go home.  So I went out to my car to drive home.  I kept my ear buds in and just drove home like that.  When I got home nobody was there.  So I parked my car in the drive way and then went inside.  I went up to my room to put down my bag.  After I put it down I skipped down the stairs to get something to eat.  I settled with a peach from the fruit basket.

I then jumped over the couch and turned on the T.V.  I found the movie Percy Jackson The Lighting Thief.  It is one of my favorite movie series to watch.  So I settled on the couch and watched the movie.  Once the movie was done I went to the kitchen to throw away the seed of the peach. 

I then heard car doors close and figured my parents are finally home.  They walked in and when they saw me there facial expressions went to angry real quick.  My mom must of told my dad what happened this morning.  I froze in my spot and thought I am so screwed now.

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