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I went limp. Completely.


I had my hat over my eyes while I was sitting down on the chair with my head resting on the wall.

My hands crossed over my stomach and my legs were stretched out. I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't just close my eyes and sleep.

I couldn't.

My mind couldn't stop being a fuckin dîck. It kept showing me what happened to her and hearing all her moans of pain and how badly her leg looked.

I was shaking my leg and clenching my jaw. I couldn't stand her being in pain. Was it my fault? Did I let this happen? If so, how? I want to know how my fûckin head caused this to happen.

I should've known he knew her. Why would he come up so fast to her and ask her to go to dinner. I know she's beautiful and all, but you wouldn't ask right away.

That's unless you're trying to fûck. And it didn't seem he was. I groaned and threw my hat on the chair beside me. I sat up and rubbed my face. My foot was tapping on the floor as my elbow rested on my thigh with my head sitting on my palm.

It's what? I don't know, maybe two in the morning and I haven't even left or had a little nap. Nothing. I stood up and started to pace.

How fuckin long do they have to take?!? Like, I get it. Her leg broke or knee cap whatever. But this long?!? I kicked at the wall because I was frustrated. I walked towards the chair and picked up my hat and placed it on and right when I did, the door open.

"Um, for the gi-"

"Her name is Mai. What about her." I said as I turned towards him.

He was taking off gloves and a light blue mask. "Well. It was thirteen hour surgery. Her knee cap broke in half. So we place plates and screws to somewhat put it back in place. It's going to be awhile for her to get use to the plate and her learning to walk right. So right now, she won't be able to leave. She'll have to take physical therapy. You can go see her, but she will still be asleep."

"I'll like to see her."

"Okay. Follow me."  He turned around and lead me to the room she was at. He opened the door for me but didn't walk in. I nodded at him and I walked in. The door closed softly behind me and I walked further in.

Her face looked peaceful better than earlier. I took a seat next to her since the chair was right next to her. The beep of her heart on the heart monitor was steady and just the sound of it calmed my nerves down.

I slumped against the chair and spread my legs out in front of me while I took off my hat and placed it on my thigh. I stared at her and I all I wanted to was burn the fucker to the ground. Torture him painfully and slowly.

I started to close my eyes and have my mind blank.


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