1. Assignment

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- Chapter One :

Sohee silently padded down the long endless hallways, the click of her flats punching the ground the only sound to be heard in the dead silence. Sohee's dark brown eyes darted from side to side, sweat drops precipitating on her forehead as she forcefully gulped, clenching her fists with fear.

She quietly entered into the dark building, her pale hands kissing the cold metal as she breathed out, realizing that she had been holding her breath. She creeped through the lonesome hallways with her jaw set and eyes foreward as she tried to ignore the stares poking her through the tinted windows. She knew she was being watched, she always was.

Finally reaching her destination, she locked the door shut and turned around, sighing loudly as she closed her eyes. Her mind wandered off, wondering how she had gotten here in the first place, however just the thought of her past constricted her throat as she gasped for more of the revolting cold air that filled the black room.

Sohee padded along to her desk and timidly sat before facing her computer screen, pain on her features as she logged onto the company's server. Her fingers automatically moved, reminding her of how long she had been doing this action, over and over again. A small noise sounded next to her and she fluttered her eyes open to meet with the dark blue ones of her colleague.

"You okay, 606?" Kim Ye Rim aka Yeri questioned, squinting through her round glasses as she stared into Sohee's eyes. Sohee nodded and meekly smiled at her only friend on this planet. She wasn't allowed to have friends or family, and when she revolted against the idea of a lonely life, she learnt what to do the hard way. Yeri was her colleague, so interaction with the girl was allowed.

"How long is our shift today?" Sohee asked, wincing at the code name Yeri tagged her with. They all had code names, things that hid their true identities. Most her co-workers wore hoodies to cover their face, however Sohee didn't care, she was fine for people to know who she was, she was fine if people came after her, after all she didn't value her life anymore.

"I think till 8 am." Yeri replied as she scratched the back of her neck, smiling awkwardly. Sohee nodded and turned back to her screen, ending the conversation. She didn't want to be caught off task as she remembered the last time it had happened. Shivers were sent down her back as she tried to stop her tears as she remembered how they had 'punished' her.

She shook her head and logged onto her task list, eyeing her tasks for the day. Her eyes scanned all the words but stopped as her eyes widened on a particular one. Her heat fluttered to a stop for a second before she comprehended the words. However, as many times as she re-read it, the words stayed the same, her task was the same:

Hack into Big Hit Entertainment and then into BTS


Hoseok was feeling lethargic. His face was buried deep into his pillow as his body parts were sprawled all across the baby blue colored bedspread as he sighed deeply, inhaling the smell of his over used bed sheets. Suga's passion for sleep was rubbing onto him and it wasn't exactly a good thing.

A knock on his door was heard, and the door creaked open, revealing Jimin and Taehyung. Hoseok smiled widely at the visitors and got up, patting the edge of the bed for the other two to rest on.

"We heard you weren't feeling well so we came to check on you." Jimin commented, inspecting J-Hope with concern swimming in his now purple eyes. Taehyung nodded and placed his hand against Hoseok's forehead, checking for any high temperatures.

"Don't worry guys, I believe it's just Suga rubbing onto me." He replied, cheerful as usual. Jimin let out a laugh as Taehyung smiled his rectangular smile. "Yea, he was complaining on how he wanted to be born a rock in his next life." Taehyung added, squinting as he recollected the earlier conversation.

Jimin pulled Hoseok up, claiming that the group was gathering for lunch and that no one was eating without Hoseok. J-Hope felt warm to the core as he was filled with his brother-like co-worker's affection. "I'll get ready and come." He replied, gesturing to his bed hair and pajamas. The other two nodded and exited the room, closing the door, leaving the boy to himself.

Hoseok, now ready, stood before his open window, enjoying the cool breeze and nature. He rested his elbows on the window sill and looked out, half expecting to see no one, as the streets were not used at this time of day. However, much to his surprise, there was a lone figure slowly walking.

Hoseok squinted and recognized the figure to be a girl. The girl had long hair and was wrapped into a dark brown coat and black boots. She held a black bag close to her and warily eyed the streets, a worried expression stuck onto her face. Hoseok felt curious as he stared at the girl who looked to be his age. Girls of her age usually were happy go lucky, touring the streets with boyfriends or shopping.

This girl was different, she looked sad, a haunted look in her eyes as she chewed on her lips. She perked his interest. And so, being Hoseok, he called out to her.

"Hey!" He hollered and immediately regretted it, as the girl almost tripped, looking like she had a heart attack. Finally she met his gaze and stood there, looking confused as to why a total stranger called her out.

"I am Jung Hoseok, what about you?" He called down, looking at the girl. Hoseok inspected the girl as he eyes widened, but then closed them again and she gulped, looking guilty. "I don't have a name.." She said as she looked to the ground, avoiding Hoseok's friendly smile. Usually girls would've fan-girled and died if he approached them, however this girl looked like she wanted to run away from him. He opened his mouth to say more, but the girl quickly looked up with a bittersweet smile.

"I am extremely sorry, but I must go." She said and sprinted away, leaving Hoseok speechless as he watched her figure become smaller and smaller. Hoseok simply smiled to himself and retreated into his apartment room, looking up.

"What an interesting girl..."

*The other two authors and I agreed not to use 'Y/N' as it is too much work and tbh Suga is my spirit animal, so guys, your new name is Sohee and you're now 22 years old, congrats*


Btw, the weird eye colors are because of color contacts.

-edited by KJ
~ re-edited by disenchxnted

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