32. Attention

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- Chapter 32 :

"Is it really true that you were forced to work in a hacking organization?"

"Did you really take a bullet for J-Hope of BTS?"

"Will you be promoting with AERO again?"

"Are you in a relationship with Jung Hoseok of BTS?"

Questions were thrown at Tinuta as she sat at the table, facing the horde of reporters and paparazzi. Cameras flashed brightly as she leaned in towards the microphone set up in front of her. She took a deep breath and stated,

"I, Choi Tinuta, did work in a hacking organization that has met its end once and for all. Although I was threatened to join the company, it is now long gone." The reporters shouted even more questions about Rise and what she did there. Ignoring all of the questions about Rise, Tinuta plowed ahead into a different topic:

Her relationship with Hoseok.

"I will answer any questions about Rise another day, when I am more prepared to deal with it. So I will go ahead into the next subject." Tinuta inhaled deeply before continuing.

"Yes, I am dating J-Hope of BTS. As of now, BigHit and SM Entertainment will make an official statement regarding this matter." There was a minute of silence before more questions were thrown at Tinuta making her flinch at the loud noises and flashes.

She felt dizzy and just wanted to sleep. It had been a month since the whole incident and while SM had tried to keep Tinuta protected from any interviews, the press kept demanding until there was no choice left. Tinuta and Hoseok asked Bang PD to come out to SM about them dating and negotiations had started. Although there were a few setbacks, the couple was back together.

AERO was now back together as a five member group. The first days all that had passed were tears, hugs and stories as the girls became closer to each other. Those days, Tinuta had avoided Hoseok, knowing she needed some space before going back to him. It was her way of processing everything that had just passed.

Eventually, AERO began working on new music, their latest comeback date released as the news spread across Korea. Although Hoseok and Tinuta were different, everyone from both groups could see how much they still loved each other. Tinuta still regularly arrived to the BTS dorms and things were settling down.

Not for Tinuta though. "Tinuta! How long have you been dating J-Hope?" A stray question broke her train of thoughts as she raised the mic and spoke, "We've been dating for over two years now." She whispered as she finally stood, the officials from BigHit and SM coming to take care of the rest.

More questions were shot as body guards evacuated Tinuta, leading her into the car that would take her back to the dorms. Tinuta reared her head on the seat as the car began to move, tears clouding her eyes. She was confused.

She wasn't the same Tinuta as she was before. She never could be either. The damage had taken place on her and with the constant practices and trainings to get her back to her original glory, Tinuta couldn't go back to being the proud, brave, and encouraging leader she used to be. She could only pretend to be the past Tinuta in front of public.

In reality, all she did was come to the dorms and cry herself to sleep, nightmares constantly haunting her. Hoseok was still supportive, peppering her in hugs, kisses, cuddles, and supportive words. All that was what Tinuta used to do.

A stray tears spilled as Tinuta closed her eyes in the car, wishing she could go back to being the Tinuta everyone loved. Now she was just weak and stupid, traumatized from something she could've avoided if she'd attracted less attention to her skills back then.

"Miss, we're here." The driver softly whispered, seeing the girl's tears. She hated it. Everyone treated her like a glass vase, ready to break at any moment. The amount of love she got from her family and fans was enough, so why the sympathy? She shook her head and ran into the dorms, collapsing on the couch as footsteps passed by.

"Jagi.  .  ." Tinuta instantly felt warm arms wrap around her waist and pull her into a warm chest. She let Hoseok kiss her cheek, looking in concern. "Autumn and the girls went out and told me to wait for you, what's wrong Tinuta?" He softly cooed as you turned and hugged him tighter, not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry Hobi." You whispered in tears as Hoseok nuzzled your head, confused. "Why?" He asked quietly as you didn't answer for a minute, relinquishing the silence. "I'm so weak now. I'm not the strong Tinuta you knew. In fact, I'm not the girl you even fell in love with. I feel like I'm forcing you to be in a relationship with me." More tears spilled and she was about to continue when a warm pair of lips landed on her's, silencing her.

"Tinuta you idiot. You're not weak. You're one of the strongest humans I know. This is all a phase, eventually it'll pass and you'll be you again. You went through something no one should go through jagi, give yourself time to heal. Even if it's slow, I'll be here the whole time holding you hand." Hossok took a breath and pecked your lips before continuing.

"I love you so much Choi Tinuta. I love you even more now seeing how the years haven't changed you. You still have that enormous heart, I mean who else would take a bullet for someone else. You're still gorgeous inside and out, and you should know that." He said cutely as he leaned down and nuzzled your nose with his affectionately.

You were speechless for a moment as your tears stopped and you hugged Hoseok, feeling uncontrollably joyous and grateful for the ray of sunshine you were blessed with.

"Ah Jung Hoseok, I really love you."

relax lol we have a few more chapters like the epilogue and bonus left ;) anyways kj started the chap and i finished it so yay ! see you guys later and pls support our other books, ty for all be support you already give us !! love y'all <3333


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