8. Bonding

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-Chapter 8 :

Sohee trembled as she strode down the familiar black halls, recollecting the warm dorm that she had been staying in for the past few days. 

Just over an hour ago, she had been having a bliss at the dorms. She had choreographed a song called 'DNA' for them an even danced all the parts. All the members had been impressed and congratulated her and even the head choreographer had been happy, agreeing to letting her take over the choreography of MIC DROP and their future songs as well.

However the fun had ended and she quickly lied that she had a friend to visit, briskly leaving the building. Now that she was here, she kept remembering this morning when Hoseok had called her 'Tinuta' a name that was so foreign to her. Tinuta knew she couldn't let him find out who Tinuta was, as that would back fire on the whole mission.

Sohee came to an abrupt halt in front of the door that held the sign reading Jihyun's name. Slowly, and shaking, Sohee creaked the door open and slipped inside, revealing the all while room redecorated with items that at least cost more than a million dollars. 

Jihyun looked up and smirked as he settled back into his char, crossing his arms and he observed Sohee. Sohee looked straight at the wall with blank eyes and a cold face, body stiff as she refused to remember all the horrendous things he did to her, how she mentally and physically harassed her; she could never forget. He ruined her life.

"I am here boss, you called?" Sohee responded coldly, trying not to cry as Jihyun got up and padded over to her, smirking. He took her chin into his hand and fixed it so that Sohee was looking into Jihyun's cold black eyes. 

"You look dead." He commented amusingly as he tapped her lips with his pointer finger. Sohee shivered and hopes he wouldn't try anything, not after she had to stare at Hobi all day long. To her relief, Jihyun only patted her head and sat back down, his eyes cold as he rested his legs on his desk, leaning back.

"Report your findings." He said calmly and dully, as if stifling a yawn. Sohee bit her lip before answering with a cold voice, "I got into their system when I had to report about their dance, it has a strong fire wall but I can break into it with some more time." She said, looking down, guilt blooming in her heart.

Jihyun regarded her carefully before nodding and standing up, facing his back to the girl. Sohee listened to what he said before her heart shattered in shock.

"I also want you to get me the member's individual accounts."


A cold shiver creeped up Namjoon's spine as he sat in an alley way, all black clothing covering his body. He had his suspicions when it came to Sohee and seeing the girl walk into a dark black building didn't help. 

He felt guilty about following the girl, but it wasn't a malicious intent. At first, he was curious to why he was crying. However when he followed her, he began feeling more and more creeped out. The girl was fast and light on her feet, making no sounds as she moved. 

This girl definitely wasn't normal. Namjoon's eyes perked when the door opened and Sohee briskly walked out. From the distance, Namjoon noticed her eyes were red and she was gulping, her hand on her chest as she held back tears. What had happened in there?

Namjoon carefully followed the girl, keeping a safe distance and being quiet. There was something wrong about Sohee, and Namjoon wanted to find out as fast as possible. It didn't add up.

She was excellent at dancing, and had a great speaking voice, pointing to a possible extraordinary singing voice. The only other talented woman he had ever laid his eyes on was Tinuta, Hobi's girl friend, but she was dead.

Or was she?

Namjoon had always doubted it, Tinuta committing suicide just didn't add up. She was such a happy, successful and loving person. The look in her eyes when she was with Hoseok was filled with love and devotion. That girl would've never killed herself.

Even when she did die, no one was allowed to see her body, saying that she was an idol. It made no sense till this day, and Namjoon was beyond confused. Sohee was definitely not who she said she was for sure. 

Namjoon then related the thoughts back to Hobi. He recollected the exact day Hoseok first came to know that Tinuta was dead.

Flash back

Bangtan was noisily eating in the family room, laughing, roasting, and other rituals. All was well and going fine, until a knock sounded on the door. 

"Yah go get it eomma!" Jungkook commented, looking at Jin. The eldest hyung sighed before going to reach the door, opening it to reveal a man in black with a badge and a solemn face. Jin let him in as the rest of the boys moved to see the mysterious man. 

"Is Jung Hoseok present?" The man asked and Hobi raised his hands with a confused expression. The man bowed before handing the boy a note. Then as everyone crowded to read the note with Hoseok, the man spoke once more.

"Your girl friend, Choi Tinuta committed suicide yesterday." All the members slowly looked up, eyes wide and mouths parched. Slowly the man started talking, but none of the boys understood. Tinuta was like a sister to them, a part of the family.

Hoseok let out an ugly sob before falling to the floor, tears freely streaming down his cheeks. The other joined him, crying and rubbing each other's backs as they let out a flood of emotion.

End of Flash Back

As Namjoon felt tears clouding his eyesight, he quickened his pace, keeping his eyes on the girl. He would make sure to get to the bottom of this, and this time no one would be dying.

Yay two updates in a row ! 


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