11. Friendship

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-Chapter 11 :

Sohee growled in her sleep as she felt a prod to her side. Another set of hands stared shaking her while a third pair tickled her on her feet.

With that, Sohee started roaring in laughter as she got up with a jump, kicking at whoever skimming their hands along her feet.

Her smile only widened when she opened her eyes to see the maknae line watching her with grins on their faces.

"WAKE UP NOONA!" they shouted simultaneously. "JIN HYUNG SAYS IT'S TIME TO--wait why are we all shouting at the same time?"

"I don't know hyung, it's not like you told us to shout at the same time."

"I did not tell you!"

"Yes, you did hyung."

Sohee was laughing at their current situation, and the boys cracked up with her. 

"But, seriously," Jimin said, playfulness underlining his voice. "It's time to eat."

Sohee nodded and the maknae line walked out of her room. After freshening up, she headed towards the kitchen where aromas of thyme and basil filled the area, sounds of bacon (**cough** we know who "bacon" is **cough**) sizzling and eggs frying were heard.

"Good morning, Sohee!" Jin shouted from where he was cutting potatoes. "I hope you don't mind, but these little jerks have been begging me to cook an American breakfast."

"Oh no, it's okay!" Sohee said, laughing at how the maknae line sheepishly smiled. She sat down at the table where Namjoon was reading something on his phone and Hoseok was trying to connect his phone to the bluetooth speaker.

Smiling, Sohee asked Hoseok if he needed help, and he nodded desperately. Sohee merely chuckled and gently pried his phone from his hand, wishing her heart didn't jump when their hands briefly touched. She then focused on the phone, connecting it to the speak, her movements fast and precise. After all, this was her domain.

Her mind moved back to Jihyun and her job, causing a ripple to violently shake her. Jihyun had warned her than she hadn't much time left before he got impatient. Sohee gulped as a ring echoed the room. She turned her attention back to the phone and smiled when it showed the connected sign. 

She then turned and handed it to Hoseok, who stared at her in shock. "That was so fast! You must be good with electronics!" He mumbled, his mouth forming as 'o'. Sohee smiled at how cute he looked, her hands feeling the need to pinch his cheeks. However, she refrained herself and smiled, bowing slightly.

"I guess I am." She nodded and tried not to notice how Namjoon was watching her from her peripheral vision. The incident at the diner had been close, but she knew that the two were onto her. Hoseok seemed as he didn't care anymore, but Sohee could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn't believe her.

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