27. Plan?!

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"So, Choi Sohee is actually Tinuta, but in disguise? And she has a mafia after her?"

Jimin has summed up everyone's thoughts after Yoongi explained everything he knew to them. The seven boys were sitting in the living room when Yoongi had began his story. The other five members were shocked because they all had believed that Tinuta had died.

"It's not a mafia, Jimin." Hoseok answers impatiently. He was getting more and more worked up by the minute and even though he felt bad for being rough to Jimin, he really wasn't in the mood.

"She was forced to commit suicide due to her knowledge of hacking. Jihyun, the CEO of some random company staged her death and took her. He must've bribed her for all we know. She temporarily changed her name to Sohee and then was assigned to hack into our server and destroy us. However she told Yoongi hyung who she was and now Jihyun has taken her back!" Hoseok flailed his arms once, biting his lip.

"We have to get her back." Jin replied, looking blankly at the wall as all the boys were in tears by now. Jungkook recollected how Tinuta taught him studies and helped him through high school, playing video games with him and always being sweet to him. Taehyung remembered how Tinuta would play the drums as Taehyung played the saxophone, the two of them acing out scenes of kdramas together all the time. Jimin could still recollect the times Tinuta would make him peanut butter and JAM sandwiches, and teach him hot to do make up.

Namjoon could remember how Tinuta would help him with the leader work, being a leader herself and how she'd always be by his side and give him talks when he got too stressed. She even rapped with him, the two often collaborating. To, Yoongi she was practically perfect as he always loved her from afar. The way she'd always buy pillows for him or the way she sweetly smiled at him, punching his cheeks and lightening his mood. To Jin, she was a cooking partner. Always helping him in his dance moves and cooking with him, scolding the members for him when he needed it.

And to Hoseok, she was the love of his life. He couldn't live without her being everyday. He couldn't breathe all these years and now knowing that his beautiful girl was being tortured somewhere made his blood boil in a way unlike before.

"I'll go contact AERO. I'm sure they'll help." Jin ran out as Namjoon sat down, hands on his forehead. "Yoongi, Hoseok and I know the building location so when AERO arrives we can formulate a plan and to get her back.

"But we don't know the password to the padlock!" Yoongi exclaimed, looking stuck and frustrated. Suddenly a light lit up on his face as Hoseok looked confused at him. "What?" Hoseok questioned as Yoongi ran to him room, running back with a paper in hand.

"I have a feeling this will help."


Tinuta let out a muffled scream as Jihyun whacked her tied arms with a metal bar, smiling wickedly at the way she screamed out in pain.

"Now scream again. I've just started recording!" Jihyun smiled as he held up the phone at the girl. Tinuta was on the floor, arms and legs tied. Her body was bruised badly with blood freely flowing everywhere. Her mouth was gaged and her hard was all over her face and messy, adding onto the list of things she was currently choking on.

Tears stained her face but the minute Jihyun raised the phone, she knew she had to act strong. She wouldn't let the members worry more and feel worse. She would endure the pain and show Jihyun that what he was doing was nothing compared to the emotional pain she'd gone through.

Jihyun's smile faded as Tinuta wore a serious expression, eyes concentrating as they struggled to stay open. Jihyun smirked as pointed the camera at her, angling it so her wounds were seen the most.

"Dear BTS, as you can see your wonderful Tinuta is currently being tortured by me, Han Jihyun. I hope you enjoy this video from me!" Tinuta tried not to laugh at how joyful the man sounded.

Tinuta kept quiet as he stopped on her stomach, roughly pressing as he waited for her scream. It never came. "Scream damnit!" He coaxed as Tinuta shook her head tightly, looking at the camera and smiling.

"Jung Hoseok. Whether I make it out of this mad man's mad grasp or not-" Jihyun presses harder and Tinuta took a long breath. "I want you to know that I love you so much. Remember Hoseok, I'm always with you jagi, I love you so much!"

Jihyun stopped the recording and put his head down, looking to the floor as his bangs covered his expression. When he looked up with the darkest face Tinuta had ever seen, tears crowded in her eyes.

She didn't think she'd get to see Hoseok again.



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