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-Chapter 19

(Thank you for 100 followers kiddos! In celebration, below after the chapter we have posted a face reveal for y'all <3)

"Do come and visit Sohee, I worry for you." Yeri whispered, genuinely feeling sympathy for Sohee. The women only turned and sent a sad smile to Yeri before pulling her into one last hug.

"I will. Thank you." Sohee said before pulling away and waving before trekking away, Yeri's figure becoming smaller and smaller until she was no longer there.

Sohee was confused on why she'd decided to go back to the dorms already. She concluded that it was probably Jihyun and kept her head low.

She'd already texted Yoongi, notifying him that she was alright and heading back. The way Yoongi has spanned her with concern almost brought tears to her eyes. It felt good to know that she could trust someone in this world.

As Sohee walked back to the building she suddenly dreaded, she felt a memory pass her mind, the images becoming real inside her head.


"Tinuta! Be careful love we're in public!" Hoseok whisper screamed to the girl who was running in the streets of Seoul, not minding a thing in the world as her boy friends jogged behind her.

Hoseok has suggested they gone out to relieve Tinuta's stress. However he'd never imagined for her to whip out disguises, prompting him to go out in the streets with him. He had no problem spending the time with her, but he knew what kind of trouble could be caused if anyone found out.

"Hoseok you're so slow!" Tinuta teased as a smirk appeared on Hoseok's handsome face. "Oh just you wait!" He exclaimed as he raced after Tinuta, the two of them laughing to their heart's content as they played a game of tag, dodging the people of Seoul.

At last, Tinuta swerved into an alley and sighed, about to turn back when a panting Hoseok appeared, blocking her escape. His eyes stopped on her panicked face as he grinned from ear to ear and stepped towards her.

Tinuta stepped back again and again as Hoseok chased her to the wall of the alley, no other place for her to hide. "Found ya." Hoseok clicked his tongue as Tinuta tried not to die from his hotness.

"Alright, alright you won." Tinuta pouted as Hoseok shook his head. "Stay still will you?" He l ike's her between both her arms as he basically caged her. Heat rose to Tinuta's cheeks as she looked down, flustered.

"N-Not here." He whispered only to gasp when Hoseok attached—

—his hands to her stomach, tucking her with a new found energy. Tinuta began laughing very hard, tears clouding her eyes as she begged for him to stop. "S-SORRY!" She cries and finally he stopped, stepping back with a satisfied look on his face.

"Pervert, what exactly did you think I was going to do?" He teased as Tinuta glared at him and began walking out the alley, Hoseok following her like a lost puppy.

End of Flashback

Sohee looked up with an aching heart as she gulped. She had reached the Big Hit building.

sᴜᴍɢʏᴇᴏᴊɪɴ. ☾+ ᴀᴋ  ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora