9. Letter

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-Chapter 9 :

Sohee marched back into her dorm room, pleased that the other members were working out somewhere else. She still was feeling the chills with her encounter with Jihyun as she knew that it would be a few more days until he started to get impatient.

Sohee locked the door and suddenly fell to the ground, tears escaping her eyes. She wasn't able to take it anymore. Every time she saw Bangtan, she just wanted to hug and smile at them, and anytime she saw Hoseok, she just wanted to snuggle and kiss him, things that were normal for them months and months ago.

Until she had 'died'.

Sohee slowly perked up when a knock was heard at her door. She meekly strode to the wall and creaked it open, wiping her tears to see Jungkook. The maknae smiled before looking down at his noona and speaking,

"We decided to go out for dinner and we want you to come as well!" She sweetly asked and Sohee couldn't help but agree, commenting that she'd change and be down. Jungkook nodded before padding away, leaving Sohee to close the door and breathe out, heading to her closet.

Sohee stood in front of the mirror with black ripped jeans, and a white crop top with had black flowers dotted on the side. Her stomach was barely showing and she planned on wearing her black converse.

She had minimal make up, like foundation and mascara, but mostly her face was plain. Lastly, she braided her hair to the front so her braid would be resting on her shoulder. Sohee stood in front of the mirror for a few additional moments, trying to remember the last time she had dressed up like this. A memory unsheathed and she gingerly closed her eyes.

Flash Back

The girl was staring herself down in the mirror, as she wondered if she looked good enough. Hoseok was taking her on a date today, but she couldn't help but feel insecure.

Maybe she wasn't good enough for Hoseok, what if he thought she was ugly. She never wore a lot of make up, unless her group was having a show, and the same applied here. Her eyes eyed the box of products, wondering of she really needed them.

As if on instinct, two warm arms closed around her waist and the girl breathed in while blushing, butterflies flying in her stomach as she knew well enough who was holding her.

"You look beautiful with or without makeup, so don't worry." Hobi said, his face in her hair as he mumbled the words. The girl's blush only deepened before she turned around in her lover's embrace and attached her arms around the man's neck.

The locked eyes and stared at each other for a while before the girl slowly voiced her emotions, "I love you." She said before inching closer to Hoseok's chest, flustered. However she looked up when her boy friend responded, "I love you too."

Hobi gently pulled the girl closer by the waist, and the girl kept her arms around her neck. Slowly, and gently, she got on her tip toes, and their lips met in an electrifying manner. The girl gasped into their kiss, no matter how many times they did this, she couldn't get over the love and connection between them.

End of Flash Back

Sohee only dusted herself and walked out the door, hoping nothing would happen when she next saw J-Hope.


Hoseok sat in the family room, a few of the boys appearing from their rooms, dressed casually for the dinner. They decided to go to a nearby restaurant, and asked to make sure no one knew that they were coming.

Just as Hoseok got up, Sohee walked into the room, greeting the boys and smiling shyly. Hobi stared at her, she looked similar to Tinuta in ways but still different. Hobi cursed himself on the inside, Sohee was just making him remember her even more.

Hoseok especially couldn't forget Sohee after her reaction to Tinuta's name today, and they way her waist perfectly melted into his arms, there was something about the girl. Sohee made eyes contact with the boy and they kept it for a few seconds before she looked away, eyes pacing to his lips before turning and starting a conversation with Jimin.

Hobi only raised a brow before noticing that Namjoon was staring weirdly at her as well. Hoseok made a mental note to ask him about this all later and nodded when Jin walked in, signaling that they could leave,

"Okay then guys remember to keep your faces hidden!" He said loudly and the crowd nodded silently before stepping out the door.

Time Skip To Restaraunt

The group seated themselves at a Korean BBQ restaurant. Once they were comfortable, Jin picked up one of the menus and scanned through the foods. Sohee noticed Hoseok looking at her, and she blushed as she turned away.

Jin calls over a waitress and orders galbi (beef short ribs), samgyeopsal (pork belly), and other various meats. Then Jin turns towards Sohee and asks her if she wants to eat anything. Sohee thinks for a bit and asks for candied sweet potatoes at the end of the meal.

Jin laughs and ordered them, then the waitress bows and leaves. Jin began to engage in a dad joke session causing Namjoon and Suga to face palm and start shaking their heads. The maknaes were focused more in their food and engaged in small talk. Hobi however watched as Sohee giggled at Jin's jokes.

Hobi knew something was wrong and he'd find out. He looked to Rapmon and the two made eye contact. Hobi then looked at Sohee and back to Namjoon. Namjoon looked surprised that some elder was doubting her before nodding and signaling to talk later.

Hoseok nodded before eyeing the girl again. He wanted to find Tinuta, and eve if he had to use Sohee to do so, he'd do it.

We are finally finding some time to update !! However we won't always have this much time so please don't get mad!


-edited by bolbbalganstudios

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