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- Bonus :

( a/n: here is the bonus from lunar chan ! also i feel like i never mentioned it but this whole book Choi Tinuta was japanese. She had a korean father and a japanese mother and grew up in Japan, moving only when she got accepted as a trainee at age 15. That's why she has a japanese name, also bc that's the name of my naruto oc lmao )


"Ahhhh Hawaii is so nice!" Hoseok exclaimed as Tinuta enthusiastically nodded, looking around at the large palm trees that offered shade to the couple.

They'd just landed in Hawaii, married for two days and had settled in their hotel two hours ago, taking a nap and hen deciding to take a walk. Luckily, the ARMYs and AERO-lites in Hawaii weren't as vicious as the ones back in Korea, and didn't attack the couple.

Although some asked for pictures and autographs, the couple was able to deliver it and the fans were polite and kind. It was heartwarming to know that people around the world admired and loved you.

"Hobi." Tinuta sighed as she laid her head on his shoulder, his arms automatically wrapping around her waist as they continued to walk.

"What is it Jagi?" He cooed as she smacked his chest, blushing. She never could get used to him calling her by those sweet pet names. Hoseok chuckled and signaled her to continue.

"How many kids should we have?" She asked as Hoseok momentarily paused, gulping. He'd never thought about it before, but knowing that Tinuta loved to plan and be organized, he should've thought of this beforehand.

"Uh I think two is enough. So they can keep each other company and protect each other." He said, thinking as Tinuta looked up at him, finding his pouting thinking face insanely cute.

"I want two girls." Tinuta then whispered as they both watched the sun set in the background. Hoseok nodded in agreement, finding Tinuta's choice always better.

He leaned over and planted an sweet kiss on her forehead, grinning down at her with the sun shining in the background. "As you wish Tinuta."


It had been two years since that day. Tinuta has recently begun throwing up, feeling sick and not wanting to eat. She assured Hoseok that it was just the stomach flu when she knew the real cause, she was pregnant.

To test her theory, she took the test she got Autumn to buy, conforming it when the results came out. Tinuta wasn't bummed, she was happy. She just didn't know how long she'd be able to continue her career before taking a small break due to pregnancy and then continuing.

Life was hard in married female kpop idols. Life was hard for females in general. She wishes men also had period and got pregnant. Oh the pain.

She was currently sitting in the rocking chair, finishing her bath after three hours of dance practice with the girls. They were preparing for comeback and Tinuta still didn't know how to tell Hoseok about the great news.

She knew he'd be happy since he'd been indirectly asking for kids these days, pointing at couples and calling their kids cute or admiringly looking at babies and then back to Tinuta.

He just seemed to shy to ask, even thought he wasn't to shy to try. (if you know what i mean heheheh)

Tinuta placed her hand on her two month baby, huffing as the door opened and Hoseok strolled through, starlight from his bath. St the sight of his wife, he grinned and kissed her, greeting her with a wide hug.

"Hoseok stop you're tickling me!" She exclaimed as he man stopped, chuckling. That was when Tinuta was hit with an idea. A great idea too since Hoseok loved playing kid games.

"Hobi yah, let's play charades." Tinuta said, standing over the man who nodded enthusiastically. "You go first." Tinuta encouraged as Hoseok stood and thought, immediately pointing at himself first. "I.  .  ." Tinuta trailed as he continued.

Next, he fell to the ground and then pointed at Tinuta. Tinuta looked confused for a moment and thought before blushing, "I fell for you." She said as Hoseok grinned while nodding, standing and exchanging places with Tinuta.

Tinuta decided to get into the game a little as she acted out another cheesy line. "I only see you." Hoseok guessed as Tinuta nodded, letting Hoseok go again.

The game continued like that until Tinuta hissed it was time to show the final news. "Okay Hobi last one." She said as she began to get nervous. She knew she had to do it though and walked before him, taking a deep breath in.

She pointed at her to show 'herself' first. Hoseok nodded as Tinuta then pointed at her belly. Hoseok raised a brow but singled for her to continue. Tinuta then pointed at Hoseok as realization began to sprout on his face.

Tinuta finished it by pointing at the both of them and then cradling the air as Hoseok gasped, covering his mouth. "I'm pregnant with our.  .  .baby?" He asked, tilting his head as Tinuta shyly nodded, looking to the floor with a smile.

She heard the chair and looked up to see Hoseok pick her up and spin her around, screaming random things in Korean and English. Tinuta laughed genuinely and leaned down, kissing him while being in the air.

"How're we going to tell the others?" He asked once he'd calmed down, now tightly hugging the girl in his embrace as they laid down on the bed. Tinuta shrugged and turned to face him, tapping his nose. "Who knows. For now, we have something else to worry about."

She only smile more when Hoseok got up and raised her shirt, planting a kiss on her stomach. "I love you and your mother baby." He whispered as Tinuta chuckled.


It was about nine months later, May 17th that the couple introduced a small child to the world, their firstborn: Jung Chaeyoung.

Tinuta has realized something after giving birth and becoming a mother. Even though she had went through all troubles as a young lady, she got out of it.

She realized that she was still living for reason, that there was a purpose to her not giving up.

She was meant to be the leader of AERO, a guide and loving comrade to BTS, a role model to the world, a best friend to many, a mother to Chaeyoung and later Chanyoung, and especially:

A loving wife to her true love, Jung Hoseok.

And she'd keep on doing just that.

and that my friends was the last chapter of sumgeyojin ! *sniffles* this was my first book even tho a collaboration on this account and even thought it took so long to finish i'm glad we had it. i'll add more emotional shit on the thank you chapter that's coming next to keep reading ! love y'all <333333333


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