7. Confusion

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-Chapter 7 :


Jin's voice rang loud and clear throughout the house as he barged into the rooms. Except Sohee's, because he was a gentleman, and she was already wide awake. For quite some time now, Sohee's insomnia has been getting worse, 2 hours of sleep were now a blessing. 

Sohee peeked into Yoongi and Jin's room to see Yoongi hiding under the covers, as Jin shakes him violently to wake him up. Jin lifts his head up to see Sohee trying not to laugh, and has an idea. He motions for her to come next to him and whispers something into her ear. Sohee grins and says,

"I have bad news," says Sohee, in a mock sad tone. "Your manager just called saying that the trip to Daegu was just cancelled."

Yoongi bolts up in shock and genuine anger as he hears this "bad news." He starts ranting about how he's been waiting to go to his family for months while furiously pacing around the room. Jin and Sohee's smiles get larger until they are laughing on the floor. Yoongi stares at them, confused on why they are laughing.

Jin manages to wheeze out between his seagull laughs, "Yah! That w-wasn't real! We a-are going to D-Daegu!" Sohee was standing by now, slowly inching away from the bed as Suga's eyes darkened and focused on Jin. 

"Jin oppa, word of choice, you might want to run for your life." Sohee quietly whispered, getting Jin's attention. Immediately started sweated as he slowly padded behind Sohee. Suga was clenching his fists at his humiliation by now as Sohee started sweated, turning to Jin.

"Oppa, why are you hiding behind me?" Sohee stuttered, her head flashing between both males. Jin clenched her shoulder and faked a chuckle. "Usually Namjoon saves me, but now you will be the sacrifice." He mumbled back as Suga stepped towards to duo.

"Screw this!" Sohee exclaimed as she twisted Jin, pushing him into Suga, causing the two males to topple on the bed. Sohee, seeing her chance instantly turned on her heel and ran out the door, a wide smile on her face, an occurrence that had never happened for a few years now.

She ran down the hall, until she bumped into something- no someone. She yelped, feeling herself falling backwards. Suddenly, she had a flashback, a sad crying face, chains, blood on the floor, and other horrendous things she wished to never remember again.

However, a warm pair of arms wrapped around her waist, and pulled her up. Sohee, in a state of fear, immediately wrapped her arms around the body and whimpered into their chest, shaking a little. She finally broke out of her trance when the voice piped up,



Hoseok stared unsure down at the body now tightly hugging him. The girl was shaking, her eyes clouded. Hobi still couldn't shake shivers he got when he first saw Sohee running down the hallway, her eyes ablaze with life, nothing like the shy girl she acted to be. As soon as he muttered her name, she stopped and looked up with giant eyes he was so familiar with.

Without knowing, he quietly whispered the name that had haunted him the past years.

"Tinuta?" He tested, staring at Sohee. Almost instantly, the girl's eyes widened and her body stiffened against J-Hope's. A second later, she blushed, the fear gone from her eyes as if she had heard nothing. But Hobi knew she heard. Her eyes had portrayed fear, meaning she knew who Tinuta was, she knew who Hobi was talking about. And yet she acted like she didn't. 

"Hoseok oppa..." Sohee muttered, trying to pry the man's arms off as Hobi's gaze darkened, deep in thought. He then looked to Sohee, and dragged her by her wrist, not aware f how tight he was squeezing her. Sohee whimpered, but couldn't fight back against the stronger boy. She only hoped that he didn't know what she was hiding.

Hobi closed his door and stared at Sohee, thoughts racing through his mind. "Do you know Tinuta Choi?" He asked, and gulped when Sohee looked confused. How, when she just stiffened could she acts so totally confused?

"Who? Oppa I am sorry but we need to go, the practice time is coming soon." She mumbled, still blushing as she turned to the door. Hobi stayed frozen, trying to piece together the puzzle in front of him. Sohee opened the door, and looked back at Hobi once more before closing the door, leaving the boy in the dark.


Sohee was breathing hard as she stood in the dorm's kitchen, her hand located on her chest t stop her overpowering emotions of fear. Hobi had called her Tinuta. Sohee mentally cried, knewing this all was a bad idea from the start. She was about to breathe in and walk back out, noticing the time, when her phone abruptly beeped, scaring the shit out of the fear stricken girl.

Sohee slowly pulled the phone out and scrolled through her messages, only to come to a stop as she had another heart attack.

Jihyun: Come to HQ after your practice, we need to talk about your progress. Don't make me wait, you know what happens when I get mad. 

Sohee felt her gut churn as she imagined walking back into the black dark hallways. She loved the dorm and the people. However, the girl quickly deflated as she realized that this whole mission was going to fail. She wanted so bad to be loved, but was she didn't understand was the point of this mission was to make the ones who loved her, hate her.

She was only here to hijack the system, not play lover with the members. She quietly fells to the ground, hands muffling her tears as she cried softly, eyes shut tightly.

If only her eyes were open, would she have noticed Namjoon's eyes, staring at her, confusion laced in his orbs.

Ahhhhhh please don't be mad !! School is killing me and my asian parents don't like me on my electronics ! I will try to update more this time so please don't get mad and enjoy this long awaited update :))


~KJ (she wrote the first two or three paragraphs of the chapter)

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