20. Let's Talk

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- Chapter 20 :

(A/N: KJ is writing. Then Lunar takes over.)


Y'all we're going third person omniscient (aka God's POV)

"Let's talk."

Namjoon shut the door firmly behind him as Hoseok and Sohee stood in Sohee's room. Jin knew that the three of them had to have absolute privacy, so he took everyone else out to a nearby restaurant.

Sohee sat down on her bed while Hoseok remained standing, fiddling with his thumbs. Namjoon let out a sigh before beginning. Yoongi stood at the door, leaning against it cooly.


Sohee snapped her head towards Namjoon who had an aura around him, one that demanded power and respect. An aura that said that he knew about her.

The thought made Sohee's heartbeat rose rapidly; she wasn't supposed to be caught.

"Sohee," Namjoon began. "You've been acting weird with us from the beginning of your stay haven't you." He slightly paused. (A/N: aight kiddos Lunar is taking over :)) Sohee fiddled awkwardly with her fingers and instead shook her head.

"No. I'm trying to still get used to his place. That's all." She whispered as she looked at the floor. Yoongi's blood was close to boiling as he wondered the boys would do if he told them that she was Tinuta. It'd all be over and everything would be perfect again. But he knew Tinuta forbade it.

She'd lose all trust in him if he did that. And so, he shut up and idly watched from his corner with a grim face as he was ready to fight and defend her. She didn't deserve this at all. She was protecting them.

"Fine then." Namjoon massaged his temples with his fingers gently and sighed loudly. "Then tell us. What do you know about Tinuta." Sohee and Yoongi's heads lifted frantically at that as Namjoon registered their flustered expressions. He knew something was up.

"I-I don't know who you're talking about." Sohee felt weak just talking about herself. She wanted to be Tinuta again. She wanted to be held again by Hoseok and she wanted to feel his love. She hated being looked down upon by him like this. She ever so wanted to just tell them all who she was.

But she couldn't. She'd lost that chance the minute she'd given into Jihyun. A loud and restless sigh left Namjoon and he looked at Sohee with cold and emotionless eyes. Sohee felt tears engulf her vision. She couldn't take that. Namjoon has always respected her and been friendly with her. Just by changing her name to Sohee, she was losing everything she loved and held dear.

"We all know that that's bullshit so will you do us all a favor and spill the damn truth?" Namjoon angrily said as he took a threatening step towards Sohee. Sohee immediately let out a soft whimper as Yoongi swiftly stood in front of her, sporting an equally angry glare as he held his hand to stop the younger male.

"Stop right fucking there Kim Namjoon." The air when cold in the room and the tension was so thick it could be cut through. Namjoon's eye twitched as he let out a small laugh.

"I almost forgot about you as well Yoongi. Thanks for reminding me."


Yoongi was scary and there was nothing false in that. However Hoseok had never ever seen him this angry in his whole life. Veins popped out of neck and arms as he breathed heavily all while keeping his trained glare at Namjoon.

Hoseok could feel the intensity of the glare and he wasn't even under it. It sent a shiver through him, he didn't want Yoongi to ever look at him with such hate. However the situation was becoming worse every minute. Hoseok watched them.

"Where you always on her side hyung? Why do you keep going against us, your own brothers and with a girl like her instead?" Hoseok could see Sohee flinch from Namjoon's words. Instead, Yoongi calmly replied, his eerily calm voice causing goosebumps to rise on Hoseok's arm.

"I talked to her and she's told me everything. She's definitely trust worthy so leave her alone. You wouldn't get it anyways." Hoseok looked up at this statement with awe in his face. Sohee has told Yoongi everything? So then why wasn't she telling the rest of them anything? Why only Yoongi?

"If she told you, she can tell the rest of us." Namjoon growled with impatience as Yoongi took a deep breath and huffed it out. He was starting to get irritated and knew this was ending badly. "Namjoon you don't need to goddamn know everything. Just trust her, we both are going to set this all right." Yoongi replied.

Namjoon shook his head *unlike his hand, sorry i ruined the moment lmao* with a ferocity Hoseok was never exposed to before. "Hyung normally I'd trust you on anything but not here. Not when she knows things about Tinuta. She has to spill." Namjoon uttered and Hoseok couldn't help but agree.

By now Sohee was shaking and looked terrified but no one paid attention to it. "No, can you not take no as an answer?" Yoongi raised his voice, clenching his fists. "Why hyung! She was my girlfriend, I love her so why can't you tell me!" Hoseok hollered in rage. He'd had enough. He wanted answers.

Yoongi seemed betrayed at Hoseok's outburst as Hoseok didn't look him eye to eye. Hoseok opened his mouth to say more as Namjoon and Yoongi were already screaming at each other,  curses and insults flying out as if it were casual. Hoseok felt his heart break. They were a family, they were brothers. Why was this happening to them?

"STOP FIGHTING! TINUTA IS ALIVE AND WELL OKAY?!" Sohee's holler shut everyone up as a silence enveloped them. Hoseok looked up to find her covering her ears and bent between her knees. That's when he registered what she'd just said.


Hey guys lmao haven't updated in about a month oops- anyways KJ and i are working out a schedule so we'll try updating more often from now on :) Also i've finished droplets so i've move into a book called Corrupted. Please do check it out :) Have a great day/night loves <333



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