26. Where Is She?

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- Chapter 26 :

Hoseok was sure he'd never run faster in his entire life as he sprinted up the stairs, crashing through the dorm doors with a splendid 'thud'. It didn't take long for Hoseok to hear the screams of Jin, obviously wondering who was breaking into the dorm. Hoseok would've normally laughed as he saw Jungkook practically fly into the room with a pink flyswatter, but he knew that this wasn't the time to laugh.

He had to save Soh- no Tinuta. It would take some getting used to.

"Hoseok what in name of-" Jin stopped, held back by Jungkook who was staring at his hyung with concern. Hoseok was sweating, tears pouring from his eyes as he panted to gain his breath back. "Yoongi. Call Yoongi!" Hoseok started a whisper, ending up screaming as he released more tears of anger and pain. Jin stood stiff for a moment before running away, to get the younger boy.

"Hyung are you okay?" Jimin said, walking in with Namjoon and Taehyung trailing behind. Hoseok knew that the sight probably looked weird to them, but they were all too hesitant to come near Hoseok and risk being attacked. Hoseok didn't blame them at the moment. He only held his head and shook it, falling to the ground.

It wasn't till another minute when Yoongi came running in, the only time Hosoek ever saw him really move in the dorms. "Hosoek, where the fuck is she?" Yoongi spat, looking around for Tinuta. Hoseok let out a strangled sob as Yoongi's eyes widened, realizing why the man was in so much peril. He clenched his fists as tears left his eyes too. "NO, YOU'RE LYING!" He screamed, pulling at his soft hair.

"Can someone explain what's happening?!" Jin exclaimed, flailing his arms as his veins bulged. The other boys also nodded, looking at the two in concern. It wasn't like Yoongi and Hosoek to break out into tears right on spot. Hoseok looked up with red swollen eyes and sobbed more.

"They took Tinuta from me again!" Hoseok whined, trying wipe the sea of tears clouding his vision. It took the other boys a few minutes before they stiffened, looking confused and sad of the memories of Tinuta. "Hoseok, she died-" "NO SHE'S NOT DEAD GOD DAMNIT!" Hoseok raised his voice, punching the wall with all his strength. Jimin backed away, scared at the sudden rage of his hyung.

"Then where is she?" Jin calmly asked, rubbing Yoongi's back in worry. Namjoon still stood stiff, realization pouring into his eyes. He had put all the pieces together and felt utterly stupid when he realized why he was so suspicious of Sohee, but also caring towards her naturally. "Sohee." He breathed as the other boys stiffened. "W-What?" Taehyung uttered, looking at Namjoon with a horrified expression. Jungkook seemed to catch on, tears dotting his face too.

"Sohee was Tinuta!" Yoongi screamed, clawing away at Jin, who continued to hug his fellow member. "Where is she then? We should all be happy!" Jimin argued, looking around for the girl. Instead, Hoseok looked up, eyes void of expression. "Someone named HJH took her. . ." He stooped when seeing the face Yoongi wore. It was fear, an utter face of fear.

"Yoongi, spill."


A scream left Tinuta's pink lips as she was thrown to the cold floor like a sack of potatoes, the cold cement colliding with her skin. Her wrists and ankles were sore from the current rope binding and she'd been gagged, choking on her saliva numerous times in the van ride.

It was still like a blur to Tinuta. She'd been dancing to one of her favorite songs, Anpanman (pretend the song is out by the time of the WINGS era) that the group had released not so long ago. It was then when suddenly the window smashed and Tinuta turned to goons in monkey masks hold her as she was tied up, not being able to make a sound due to the gun at her forehead. Tinuta helplessly watched as a note was intentionally dropped, and she was dragged out the way they'd come in.

After kidnapping her, she was thrown in a car, the vehicle driving at top speeds down small alleys and back streets to avoid cops. The whole time, Tinuta had been kicking and fighting the men, only to receive slaps and kicks, bruises and blood pouring from her open wounds currently.

When Tinuta looked up, she only saw polished black boots, obviously expensive as hell. A dreadful feeling pooled in her gut when she realized they belonged to one man, Han Jihyun. It was a second later when his boot collided with her jaw and Tinuta let out a muffled scream and she fell back on back, her jaw probably broken from the impact.

"Bitch. You think I wouldn't find out about your doings? First you don't do your damn job, the you go and tell Min Yoongi who you are?!" Jihyun was beyond mad, he was insane at the moment. He knew BTS had enough power to take him out, and he realized sending you on this mission as a way to torture you was his mistake.

"I guess I'll just have to adjust my plans." Jihyun smirked angrily, fixing his tie and he walked to Tinuta slowly and menacingly. Tinuta shook her head rapidly, trying to move even with her restraints. Quickly, Jihyun stepped on her abdomen, eliciting another scream from her before groping around in his pocket and taking out his cellphone.

"I've always wondered but, what would your beloved boyfriend do if I sent him a video of me torturing you?" Jihyun asked in a sickly sweet voice as tears streamed down Tinuta's face. She knew that she was fucked.

Hola, update is here. And yes I will be double updating tonight ! This book has about seven to eight more chapters left so KJ and I are sad lol. I LOVE FAKE LOVE, ANPANMAN, SO WHAT, PARADISE- you get the point, I cannot wait till the album I pre ordered comes in ohohoh- anyways please read my new book The Seven Legends, inspired a little from The Seven Wonders by CrazyGirrrrl (a book you all HAVE to read) also please read corrupted ! thank you for all the rankings, love and more ! love ya'll <33333333333


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