thirty four

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When night fell on the fourth night Sage was in the Hospital Wing, she had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. (Though she seemed to have this feeling a lot nowadays.) It wasn't until the gigantic doors of the wing slammed open to reveal a distraught Draco Malfoy did Sage know she was right. The storm was finally here.

    Draco rushed over to Sage and began rambling, his voice cracking and his words slurring. Sage swung her legs over the side of her bed and put her hands on his shoulders.

    "Draco! Calm down!" Sage shushed her friend, his bloodshot eyes staring into hers. "What's happening?"

    When Sage asked this question, it was like a physical blow to Draco. He flinched and casted his eyes downward. He didn't want to tell her. God, he didn't want to tell her. The somber expression that was plastered on Draco's face made Sage's blood run cold. She knew what was happening, but a part of her prayed to Merlin that she was wrong. She held her tongue in hopes that she was wrong, that maybe things were okay. That maybe this time, just this time, she was wrong.

    Draco swallowed thickly, his throat itching from the cries that begged to be let out.

    "It's done." Draco croaked. "The cabinet is fixed."

Sage grew pale, her mouth trembling and her eyes brimming with tears of fear. It was as if her very breath had been stolen from her lungs. Her mind was blank. Her heart was thumping so hard against her chest she was sure that you could hear it from a mile away. Sage went to open her mouth, but no words came out. She wanted to tell Draco everything; how Hermione was willing to help them, to save them. This was their chance at salvation and there was no way in hell Sage was letting their redemption slip through her fingers. Not again.

    "Sage?" Draco's voice broke her from her trance. She hadn't noticed the salty tears streaming down her blotchy cheeks until she felt the pads of Draco's thumbs wiping them away.

    Sage gently grabbed Draco's hands and pulled them down, gripping them tightly. "W-We don't have to do this, Draco. We have a chance to be better."

    She couldn't help the hope-filled words that escaped her lips. Sage knew it was a long shot, but she hoped that Draco could see the same light at the end of the tunnel. Only if she knew how wrong she was.

    Draco furrowed his brows as he roughly pulled his hands away from Sage.

    "What do you mean?" Draco asked, suspicion laced through his words. Sage's face fell as her mouth went dry.

    "Hermione, s-she said she could help us. They can help us, Draco. We finally have a chance to get out of this mess. Please, let's take it." Sage begged, her eyes watering and her voice desperate. For a flicker of a moment, Draco's face had finally gained the light he had lost, but it was gone just as quick as it appeared. Draco's aura grew cold, though his eyes were filled with an unreadable expression that broke Sage's heart. Sage knew he had already made his choice, but she couldn't help but cling to the hope that he would change his mind for her.

    Finally, after a moment of tense silence, Draco let out a teary laugh. His head had fallen, preventing Sage from seeing his now tear-stricken face. That was the thing about Sage; she made Draco feel vulnerable. She was the only person who made him believe that there was more to life than what was handed him. She was the only person who made him feel like he was more than the mark on his left arm. Maybe this is what pushed him to do this, because he knew if the positions were switched, Sage would do the same thing for him.

    As slowly as he could, Draco reached for his wand. He lifted his head and met Sage's curious gaze. He eyes searched his for some sort of answer, but found nothing. Draco gently lifted his hand and placed it on the side of Sage's face, his thumb affectionately brushing her cheek.

Sage | H. GRANGERWhere stories live. Discover now