Bathroom Trobles

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     I've never been a religious person. I stoped believing when I was little. If there was a 'god' than why did bad things happen. If everything was his will then I hated him. He sat there and let bad things happen to people who don't deserve them.

    My alarm clock went off. I got out of bed still sore from the beating last night. I had to get to school by 7:30 cause school started at 8. I open my closet and picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue T-shirt, and a hoodie from my chemical romance.

{Time skip brought to you by I'm a lazy fuck}

   I got to school by 7:45. I went to my locker and got my math binder out. My first period was math, then I had science, history/social studies, PE, art, and then I had English language arts. Lunch was just somewhere in between. I started to walk to math but then I was pushed against the lockers. I looked up and Jean was right there.

      Jean snatched my book bag off my back and started going through it. "Hey faggot did you do my homework?" Crap I only halfway finished jeans homework. I probably didn't get to finish it all the way because I was too busy lying on the floor in pain being beaten by my father. "I-its in m-my math notebook although I-I didn't finish it a-all the way."

    I knew Jean was going to get mad. He told me to do all his homework but I only finished it halfway. As soon as I finish my sentence he punched me dead in the stomach. I coughed trying to gasp for air. He repeatedly punched me a few more times and then I fell to the floor. "Next time faggot you better have it done all the way." He grabbed his homework and left with his group falling behind him like dogs.

     I walk to class making sure not to be late. When I got there I sat down at my desk. Class had started and i brung out my drawing notebook. Today I decided just draw a tree with a girl beside it.

 Today I decided just draw a tree with a girl beside it

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This is his picture he drew😊

The bell had rung i put my picture away and left for science.

•Levi's POV•

Math had finished. I almost fell asleep 5 times but I forced my self awake. The day just started and I already wanted it to end. I had the exact schedule as the boy I had saved last night. Before he packed up I looked at his drawling. It wasn't that shitty I guess. He had fresh bruises. Yesterday it was kinda obvious he got bullied but jeez. I usually don't give a flying fuck about others but something about this kid made me care.

He walked out of the classroom and in the hallway some kid with a horse face taped on his shoulder and dragged him into the boys restroom. I didn't think it was a big deal so I decided to just go to my locker to get my stuff for my next class. My locker was 5 lockers away from the restrooms. A few minutes later as I shut my locker I heard a blood coiling scream.

I dropped my book bag and ran to the bathroom as quickly as possible. When I got there horse face was kicking Eren to the point where he was coughing up blood while 3 others were holding him down, one of them holding him up by the hair and punching him. I screamed. "Let him go you filthy bastards!!" I then gave them my famous death glare. Horse face kicked him a few more times then ran out of the bathroom, his group falling behind like dogs. I picked up his head as he slowly went in and out of consciousness. "Eren it will be ok I'm right here." I picked him up bridal style and ran him to the nurse.

•Eren's POV•

I walked out of class and then Jean dragged me into the bathroom. His group held me against the wall, one of them holding my head up by the hair so that I was facing Jean. "Hey you had better do my homework tonight. This will be your reminder Eren." He then smirked and started to beat me. The one holding my hair pulled at it making me scream. Not to long after I screamed the new boy Levi rushed in and yelled at them and they left the bathroom.

Levi picked me up and kept telling me it will be ok and that I was fine as I faded in and out of consciousness. The world around me slowly began to fade as he rushed me to the nurses office.

•Levi's POV•

After about an hour the nurse came to get me and told me Eren woke up. I walked down the hallway following the nurse. I walked inside the room and Eren opened his eyes. He looked around blinking a few times. He looked straight at me. "Levi what class just finished?" It's kinda funny how he's worried about classes rather than himself. "Science just ended right now. The next period you have is history."

After I was finished saying my sentence the nurse opened her mouth. "Eren why don't you go home for the day. If you want I can call your father to come get you?" As soon as she finished Eren started to panic (at the disco!) he quickly replied. "No I'll be fine just plz let me stay here and don't call my dad!" I wondered what's so bad about calling his father but decided to just leave it alone.

We walked to his locker and he got his history stuff out along with his drawing notebook that he had with him in every class. We walked to class together and we weren't late. He sat down in his desk and started to draw.

Hello I'm sorry if this was another crappy chapter it's 3Am and I needs some sleep. If it was really bad feel free to comment some suggestions for me to look at. It would help a lot. Thanks so much you guys are awesome. ~KittyEren💜

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