Still searching

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•Levi's POV•
{few days ago}
As I laid in my bed I got a phone call. I answered the phone call a shaky voice was on the other line.
"Is this L-Levi Ackerman?"
I nodded but then realized that they can't hear me and spoke up
"Yes this something wrong mam?"
She hesitated to say something and after a while she finally began to talk back to me.
"This is the police department we have found a lead as to where Eren Jeager is currently located."
She had told me the address and described the street and the house that Eren was in and I listened to every detail.
{present day}

I walked through the streets and alley ways trying to find the house that the woman an the phone had described to me. Hanji was right beside me along with Erwin and Mikasa.

     The house was more so like a wooden cabin. The house had some vines on it but not to many for it to look bad. The house was actually not that bad looking. On the outside that is.

      We walked up to the said house and looked through the window. There sitting on the couch messing with some viles filled with different colored liquids and a bunch of needles filed with other stuff and a lot of paper work was Greisha.

      He picked up the tray of needles and walked over to a door and opened it descending down a flight of stairs. Soon after there were blood curdling screams of pure pain and agony.

        I knew the scream very well. I knew that the voice echoing belonged to Eren. I went to rush inside the house but before I could Hanji, Erwin, and Mikasa held me back saying that it was to dangerous and to wait for the authorities.

       They had let go when I had seemed to calm down and they had already called the police and an ambulance. As soon as they let go I rushed inside the house.

•Erens POV•
I had been sitting there chained to the bed. I had somehow messed up according to Greshia so he chained me back up and then beat and fucked me into the bed.

     It had been a few days since that and everyday he came down and beat me until I was unconscious. However today he hadn't came downstairs yet.

     I sat there. My wrist hurt as the chains rubbed against my skin pealing it off more each time I moved positions. I looked up when I heard footsteps come towards the basement door.

      The door swung open and Greshia slowly walked down the stairs with an evil glint in his eyes. I started to shiver just the slightest bit as he got closer.

      He stoped right in front of my bed and grinned looking down at me. He had a tray with needles on it filled with different liquids of different colors.

     He picked one up and flicked the tip a few times to grrr the air bubbles out of it and then plunged it into my arm.

      A burning sensation filled my body and pain surged everywhere. I screamed as the feeling intensified and he plunged more needles into my arm.

      My lungs tightened up and the room was extremely hot and I broke out into a cold sweat. I couldn't move my body. It was completely stiff.

    After more and more needles were plunged into my skin I started to feel extremely drowsy and sick. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't stand the sheer pain coursing through out me.

     My fathers head snapped to look at the stairs as I heard someone running down them and I heard faint sirens in the distance. The person had reached that bottom of the stairs and I stared into his steel grey eyes.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now