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    I was at my old house. I looked over and my mom was beside me. She was smiling but then she changed. She was glaring at me. "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT EREN!!" She lunged ya me strangling my neck. My back hit the wall.

    "IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU I WOULD BE HERE!!" She yelled then the scenery changed. I was 7 years old and my father barged through the living room. He was drunk.

    He strut towards me and threw his beer at my head. Direct hit. Blood dripped down my forehead. "You are worthless. You should have died with her." He walked over to me and started to hit me then he ripped off my pants.The scenery changed again.

    I was alone in the dark. Words in white bold passed by and circled me then disappeared. They were my own thoughts. I read them as they flew by. Worthless, unwanted, fuck up, failure, waste of space, you should have died, and so on. These were all of my thoughts.

    After a while of reading the scenery changed for the last time. I was in a flower field. It was calm and peaceful. I could hear birds chirping and beautiful sounds of nature. I looked around. There were butterflies and ladybugs. Hummingbirds were flying over flowers.

     I laid down. If only I could stay here and forget everything. I put my hand in the air over the sun. All of my marks were gone. I was clean. It was so peaceful and quiet.

      Everything caught onto fire. The flowers turned to ash and the sky turned black. A voice rang through my head repeatedly say it was my fault I ruined everything and it was my fault that it broke. I fell through the floor. I continued to fall in a black pit of nothingness. The words started to fly everywhere.

•Levi's POV•
I could hear cries coming from upstairs in Eren's room. I ran upstairs to check on him. He was asleep. I walked to him and gently shook him awake.

   He looked up at me tears still streaming down his face. He suddenly lunged at me and pulled me into a hug. He cried into my shoulder. I hugged him back and sat him on my lap. He continued to cry. He was so fragile. It felt like if I touched him the wrong way he would break.

    I rubbed his back and rocked him in my arms as he held onto me.  Soon after he stoped crying. "I'm sorry" he quietly whispered. I hugged him closer to my chest. "It's ok Eren your ok nothing is going to hurt you your safe."

    He buried his face in the crook of my neck still crying. "Th-thank you Levi." He looked up at me with a slight smile. I pated his head. "So can I hear Why you were crying." He was silent. "You don't have to. Are you hun...." He cut me off. "No I'll tell you about it."

   He cuddled up to me and began to tell me everything about the dream and he also told me everything about his past. He told me how his mom died and what his dad always did.

Time skip

     He was finished explaining everything. I hugged him tight. I don't want to leave him alone. If he was left alone he might hurt himself. "I'm sorry Eren." He looked at me with a big smile. "Thanks Levi." We walked down stairs and ate then I put on a movie that Eren would like.

   The movie was over and Eren was sleeping on the couch beside me. He looked so peaceful. I sook him awake. He say up and looked around frantically. "It's all right Eren it's me." Relief spread across his face. I helped him up and we went upstairs to go to bed. He grabbed my sleeve.

      I looked down at him. He looked scared and upset. "Hey can you stay with me please. Just this once." I walked to his bedroom with him. He sit the door behind him and went into the bathroom to change into his sleep wear.

     We ladies on the bed together under the covers. His eyes looked like they were glowing against the light of the moon. It was breathtaking. He was so beautiful. He sat there starring out the window. He wouldn't go to sleep.

    As his eyes sparkled I couldn't help my self. "Eren..." He looked in my direction. I turned towards him and leaned in. His soft lips landed on mine.

   I deepened the kiss and he started to kiss back. I started to crawl on top of him. I licked his bottom lip for entrance. He didn't let me at first so I reached  under his shirt and teased his nipple. He gasped out loud and took that as my chance. I sloped my tongue in his mouth.

     I searched every crevice of his mouth. I started to pull off his shirt causing us to break the kiss for a few seconds. I threw the shirt carelessly onto the floor and did the same as mine. He let out moans into the kiss as it got deeper.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now