Out With Friends

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Eren's POV•
I woke up to Levi gently shaking me. At first I thought it was my father and that he was going to beat me again. We walked down stairs. Levi had made french toast.

We sat at the table. I had never really ate an actual breakfast after my mom died. It brought back memories of when it was my birthday my mom would always make French toast because it was my favorite.

A silent tear rolled down my cheek as I quietly cried. Levi was eating his toast and looked up. "Eren what's wrong why are you crying!?" He ran over to me and hugged me. It felt safe in his embrace.

I looked up at him. "I'm ok it's really nothing." Levi raised his eyebrow. "Tell me the truth brat." I decided I would tell him the truth. "Well it's just that every year when it was my birthday since French toast was my favorite she would always make that for my breakfast." I cried even more and buried my head in his chest.

"Eren it's ok to cry let it all out." He hugged me tighter and pat my back. After about 10 minutes of me crying into his shoulder we finished eating. Levi picked up the plates and washed the dishes and afterwards taking out the trash.

Levi's POV•
When he saw the French toast he started to cry. I didn't understand and was extremely worried. As quickly as I could I ran to his side and comforted him. He hugged me back and cried into my shoulder.

I was done doing the dishes and what not so I sat down on the couch. When I sat down my phone started to ring. I picked up the phone to see shitty glasses calling me. I answered the phone.

   "What is it 4 eyes?" I was taking a chance asking that question I mean for all I knew my life was on the line. "We are going to the mall! Get ready and hurry it up grumpy!" Then she hung up. Well dammit I didn't want to go anywhere.

   "Hey Eren do you want to go to the mall. My friends are taking me and I want you to come." He looked at me a little worried and smiled. "Um...well w-who are your f -friends?" "Well its Hanji, Petra, Erwin, and Hanji is bringing 2 other kids Mikasa and Armin." I said. He looked less worried and gave me a reply. "Well only if they don't mind I don't want to be a burden."

Time skip brought to you by pink fluffy unicorns

   We had just finished getting ready and sat down on the couch. We put on a show and then the door bell rang. Eren looked at me. "Are they here?" I nodded and walked over to the door. I opened the door and Hanji ran straight pass me and over to Eren. "Is this the Eren I've heard about he's adorable." Eren flinched at the sound of her voice.

     She ran back to me and pounced on me giving me a hug. "Get off me shitty glasses." I pushed her off. "I hope Eren is nicer than you." She walked back over to Eren. "So how are you doing." She held out her hand. After a few seconds of hesitation Eren shook it. "Well my name is Hanji Zoe it's very nice to meet you Eren." She gave him a gentle smile which seemed to calm him down.

  After that the others all introduced themselves to him and we all left. When we got to the mall everyone got out. Eren mostly stood by me as we walked inside. "So is this the mall?" He looked at me confused. Then it hit me that he's never been.

   Hanji clings to his arm. "Eren my poor baby have you never been to the mall." He shook his head and everyone gasped. After that we all gave him a tour of the mall. Petra took him into her favorite store then Mikasa took him to hers then Armin and so on.

   Eren stoped walking and looked at me. "Hey where are the restrooms?" I smiled just a little and showed him the way. "We will be at the food court when your done ok I'll see you there." I walked away.

   It's been about 13 minutes since he went to the bathroom I was getting a little worried that he was lost or something so I headed to the men's room.

Eren's POV•
After Levi left I used the bathroom and washed my hands. When I was about to leave Jean and a few others walked in. "Hey well if it isn't Eren." Jean said with a an evil smirk plastered on his face. "You know Eren whenever I get to beat you up it always makes my day.

  The others pinned me against the wall of the bathroom while Jean strut towards me. "Hey I just bought a new knife think I should try it out." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife the held it against my cheek. He opened it up and it slowly pieced my skin causing crimson to drip down my chin. There was now a long line across my face.

   He did the same to my other cheek and put the knife away. He the punched me in the stomach. And then Levi entered the bathroom. Before he could se us they gaged me with a pice of cloth and dragged me into the handy cap stall and locked the door.

   Jean continued to hit me. "Eren are you in here?" Levi called for me. I started to hit the stall. Levi walked over and Jean hit me in the stomach again. I kicked the stall more and started to try and scream through the gag. It didn't work out to well but Levi still heard.

   He kicked down the door and ripped Jean off of me. He ran to me and got the other people off me. They all ran out of the bathroom scared. Levi helped me off the floor and took off the gag.

  He led me to the sink and started to clean out my cuts. "Did he pull a knife on you?" He looked angry. "Well he cut my cheeks but that's all." Levi finished cleaning me up and we went to the food court where the others were waiting. We explained what happened and went back to shopping.

   After a few hours we were done shopping and we went home. They dropped me and Levi off then left. Levi and I sat down and watched a movie. After the movie was over it struck me. I need to go home.

    I jumped up off the couch. "Levi I really need to go home my dad will be mad if I stay any longer." He got up and blocked my way. "He's just going to abuse you." I smiled at him. "Don't worry Levi ill call you as soon as I get home ok." He frowned. "All right but if you don't call me I'm coming over to your house." With that I left.


To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now