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  Throughout the time Eren was in the hospital I checked on him every day and sometimes I stayed the night. After a while he was able to go home so I checked him out of there.

We walked inside. "Eren this will be your home for now on are you ok with that." He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah" his smile lit the whole room. "That's good" I pat his head and I saw him flinch as if he were scared. I swear I'll kill his so-called father.

     I showed him to the guest room and helped him unpack some of his stuff that he had with him. We still had to go back to his old house. We are going back tomorrow. After we were done we went down stairs. "Hey you hungry Eren?" While we were upstairs his stomach growled so I decided it's dinner time.

     He replied with another stomach growl and nodded. God why the hell is this fucking shitty little brat so damn cute. I made spaghetti for dinner while Eren sat in his room. I don't blame him for shutting himself up. I mean I would do the same if I were raped by my dad twice and abused since I was young.

    I went upstairs and knocked on his door. It wasn't locked so I opened it. He was siting on his bed and had fallen asleep. I walked over to him and gently shook him. He woke up and jumped away from me. "I-I'm sorry I thought you were my well...." He couldn't finish his sentence but I knew who he was talking about.

     We walked downstairs and sat at the table. "If you make a mess your cleaning it up." He nodded and then began to eat. After he was done he washed his plate. To be honest I swear it sparkled. He is good at cleaning dishes.

     I put on a movie and sat down. "Hey Eren wanna watch a movie with me?" He walked over and nodded then sat down. He doesn't talk that much at all in fact he's only said 9 words to me since he was released from the hospital.

     After the movie was over I looked at Eren. He had fallen asleep with his head on the armrest of the couch. I carried him upstairs to his room and tucked him in his bed. "Goodnight Eren" I kissed his forehead then walked out. I checked all of the windows and doors to see if they were locked then I went to bed myself.

Time skip to the next day

     I woke up to a bright morning. Everything was just fine till I realized something. To day was a school day. It was Monday. Is Eren going to be ok going to school. I got up. I walked into my bathroom, used the toilet, took a shower, got dressed, then I brushed my teeth. I went down stairs and made scrambled egg sandwiches then went to wake up Eren.

      I walked into his room. He was sound asleep. He looked so peaceful and I almost didn't want to wake him but I knew I had to. I pulled the covers off of him then sat him up on my lap. "Eren it's time to get up." He snuggled his face into my shoulder and held onto me. I shook him a little and then he woke up.

      He slowly opened his eyes and when he realized I was touching him he fell onto the floor. "Plz don't touch me." He was trembling with fear. He was afraid of being touched and had lost all trust in people. "I'm sorry Eren. Your breakfast is downstairs at the table come on down and eat then get ready for school ok." I walked downstairs with him trailing behind me.

        We finished our breakfast and then Eren went upstairs to take a shower and get ready. I washed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I put up all of the food and sat on the couch and turned on the tv. We still had an hour before we had to walk to school which gave us plenty of time to get ready. There's nothing wrong with being prepared.

     While I was watching supernatural Eren walked downstairs and damn he looked sexy. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a black and white flannel, black skinny jeans with a few rips, and black converse. He looked so hot. And he was wearing his key neckless.

     He walked over to the couch, sat down beside me and watched the show. After a little while he fell asleep again. We still had about 45 minutes so I guess I can let him take his nap as long as he gets up later when it's time to go to school.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now