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•Grisha's POV•
It had been a few years since Eren had been out of high school. He was living with his boyfriend Levi and they had just finished moving into a new house 2 weeks ago.

Ever since Eren had graduated I had been watching him from a far. Tonight was the night that I would take him back. This time I will make sure he doesn't get away again.

•Levi's POV•
Me and Eren had just moved into a new house 2 weeks ago and have already finished packing. It was a beautiful house and Eren was the one who decorated most of it.

It's been a few years since high school and Eren still struggled with depression but not as bad. There were some days I would come home and he would be cutting his wrist and some nights he would wake up from a nightmare.

It has been 3 or 4 mounts since he last cut but the nightmares were accruing more frequently. It really bothered me that his father was not in prison and was roaming around somewhere. I wasn't going to let him know how much I worry about it though.

I was planning to propose to him and I really hope he will accept my proposal. Tonight I'm going to take him out to eat at his favorite restaurant and the I'm going to take him to the park and under the blooming cherry blossom tree I'll lean down on one knee and propose.

~time skip by Levi's rainbow dick~

I just got out of work and I couldn't wait to get home. It was now 6:30 I've been gone since 9:45Am and Eren was still asleep when I left so I made breakfast for him and left a note on the fridge.

     I walked in the front door which was left cracked so I thought Eren went outside and forgot to close it. It was quite except for the tv was on. I looked around the house. There was a glass shattered on the floor in the kitchen and a bar stool was knocked over.

      I ran through the house and checked everywhere. Eren was nowhere to be found. I got my phone out and tried to call him at least 5 times but no one answered. I started to panic and ran to the car. I drove everywhere I knew he would go but I had no luck he was gone.

      I called all of his friends and all of mine to see if he was with any of them but none of them knew where he was. I called the police and told them he was missing and they said they would help.

•Eren's POV•
I had just woke up and Levi wasn't in bed with me so I went to the kitchen. On the fridge there was a note.

         Eren I've already left for work. I've made breakfast for you and put it in the microwave. All you have to do is heat it up and please don't make a mess. I'm taking you out tonight but it's a surprise just dress casual but somewhat nice. I'll see you when I get home my love.
                    Yours truly,

     I opened up the microwave and heated my breakfast for a minute. I sat down and ate my food. After I finished I cleaned up my mess and washed my dish. I went to our bedroom and set out the clothes that I was going to wear when Levi took me out.

     I ended up with a black and red flannel with black skinny jeans, a black fedora, a red scarf, and nice shoes.

     I ended up with a black and red flannel with black skinny jeans, a black fedora, a red scarf, and nice shoes

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    I laid it across my part of the bed and then went downstairs. I decided I would watch a movie. I picked out "Ms.Pilgrims home for peculiar children" and sat on the couch.

        The movie had just ended and it was 2:37. I decided it was time for lunch so I made myself tuna sandwiches. After I finished eating I went outside for a 30 minute run.

      I put on some joggers and a white teeshirt along with my workout shoes. I put on a light sweater and got my phone and headphones, putting on some music then going outside.

       I finished with my run and went inside. I got a glass of water with tons of ice and sat down on the couch. I had a towel draped over my neck and ya taken off my sweater. I picked out another movie.

       The credits started to roll on the screen so I checked the time. It was 4:29 and Levi would be home soon in about an hour. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower then got dressed.

      I got my glass that was in the living room and refilled it. I took a sip and then went back into the living room after taking out the trash not noticing that I didn't close the door all the way.

      After 20 minutes of watching YouTube on the couch I got up and went to get another drink. As I lifted up my glass not noticing the presence behind me a cloth went over my mouth and nose.

      I tried to struggle against it knocking over a bar stool as my glass shattered onto the floor. I went limp in the attackers arm and everything went black.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now