Unbroken Mask

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Levi's POV•
I decided to go home from the park about 30 minutes after Eren had left. I was walking on the side walk watching cars go by and looking at the same houses I passed every day on the way to school. I walked past a house and there was someone screaming.

I ran into the house and once again I heard a loud scream. I ran up the stairs to where I thought I heard the voice. I opened the door to a room and burst through. I looked at the sight in front of me. Rage swirled around in my eyes. A man was on top of Eren thrusting into him. Eren screamed at him to stop. He was crying and his face was bruised and covered in blood from his nose.

I ripped the man off of Eren and knocked him out with an empty beer bottle that was on the dresser. I looked at Eren. He had passed out. I kicked the man again to make sure he wouldn't wake up for a while. I wrapped Eren in a blanket and ran out the door.

I got to my house which was across the road and 3 house down from the one in front of his. I rushed him to the bathroom and quickly got him into a warm bath. He didn't wake up. After I was done washing him off and cleaning his cuts and other injuries I got him dressed in some of my clothes which were big on him and lied him down on my couch.

I sat down beside him and put a movie on. It only now occurred to me how small and fragile his body was. He obviously didn't eat enough. He was so light while I was carrying him. He was about 2 inches shorter than me. Even though he was small and fragile he was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen in my life.

Eren had perfectly tanned skin, beautiful silky chocolate hair, and a gorgeous green with gold flakes at the bottom eye color. I could stare into his eyes forever. I'd run my hands through his silky hair. He was stunningly gorgeous.

Soon after I started the movie Eren started to move around in his sleep. He was having a nightmare. I shook him lightly so I wouldn't hurt him but it was enough to wake him up. He woke up with wide eyes filled to the brim with tears.

I hugged him and stroked his head. "Eren calm down. It's ok I'm right here. You are safe." He held onto me crying into my shoulder as I comforted him. I hated the fact that he looked so sad. He had always had a smile on his face since the day I had met him.

How did Eren always stay so strong. How did he always have a smile on his face when his life was so terrible. He always had on a mask that was unbreakable. He hid it so well but for how long has he hidden it and how much longer can his unbroken mask stay strong.

I let go and looked at him. He looked so vulnerable. He was shaking and tears were still steaming down his face. He tried his best to stop crying. I gave him a few tissues to dry his face. "Levi wh-what happened to my d-dad?" He looked as if he was scared to hear the answer. "I knocked him out and ran here so he should be fine." For a few seconds he looked the slightest bit relieved.

"We don't have school tomorrow do we?" Out of all things this is his concern. That damn brat. "No we don't and Eren your staying the night with me I'm not letting you go back to him." He nodded his head and yawned.

It was really dark out side. It was 12:03. I carried him to my bedroom since he couldn't quite walk well on his own and put him down on my bed. I laid down beside him and we fell asleep.

I woke up. I checked the clock it was 10:37am. I got in the shower and took and hour long bath. I got dressed and went down stairs to make breakfast. After I was done making breakfast which was french toast I went upstairs and woke up Eren.

He was very easy to wake. "I'm up plz don't hit me!" He said with his hands hiding his face. I hugged him. "No ones going to hit you Eren." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Oh" he said smiling.

There it was. His famous unbroken mask. Just how long could he keep smiling. How could he hide it for so long without cracking or messing up. He built up a wall. I wanted so bad to get him to open up to me. I wanted his walls to fall down. I wanted him to take off his unbroken mask.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now