Everything will be ok

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•Erens POV•
The door swung open and Greshia slowly walked down the stairs with an evil glint in his eyes. I started to shiver just the slightest bit as he got closer.

He stoped right in front of my bed and grinned looking down at me. He had a tray with needles on it filled with different liquids of different colors.

He picked one up and flicked the tip a few times to grrr the air bubbles out of it and then plunged it into my arm.

A burning sensation filled my body and pain surged everywhere. I screamed as the feeling intensified and he plunged more needles into my arm.

My lungs tightened up and the room was extremely hot and I broke out into a cold sweat. I couldn't move my body. It was completely stiff.

After more and more needles were plunged into my skin I started to feel extremely drowsy and sick. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't stand the sheer pain coursing through out me.

My fathers head snapped to look at the stairs as I heard someone running down them and I heard faint sirens in the distance. The person had reached that bottom of the stairs and I stared into his steel grey eyes.

     Levi stared for a minute. His face went pale as he noticed all of the blood on the walls, the floor, my bed, and as he noticed all of the tools and needles in my fathers hand and tray.

      I could hear the sirens outside of the house and my father panicked. He grabbed the closest thing to him which happened to be a knife and plunged it into my chest.

        I dropped to the floor as a puddle of blood surrounded me. I watched as my father ran and Levi rushed to my side. I heard gun shots fire in the background. I held his cheek and muttered his name as he rocked me back and forth. Everything around me faded away.

•Levi's POV•
I rushed to Eren's side and held him in my arms rocking him slowly. He brought up his hand and held my cheek then muttered my name with a small smile. His eyes were dull and lifeless. His eye lids slowly fell shut as his hand dropped to the ground. Tears spilled down my cheeks.

     I kissed his forehead and held him close to my head. His hand never leaving mine. Police rushed down the stairs and went to get Eren.

     I didn't want them to take him away. I held him closer to me as I sobbed. One of the female officers came over to me as all the others stood back. "Sir please we need to see if he's ok." She gave me a sorrowful smile.

       My arms slowly fell to my sides and other people came and lifted Eren off of me. The female rubbed my back. I hugged her and cried into her chest as she shushed me.

        After a little while I had no more tears. She told me that Eren was alive and was going to be ok. She led me to a police car and sat me inside. We drove to the hospital.

Time skip Eren has been in the hospital for 2 months and hasn't spoke one work since. He is afraid to speak because of various reasons all having to do with Greshia.

•Levi's POV•
Work had just finished and I'm driving to the hospital to visit Eren. Eren won't speak to anyone and he's afraid of people touching him.

Therapist have been seeing him trying to help but it won't work. I'm the only person he lets touch him. When he communicates with people he uses a note pad and writes it down.

I pulled into a parking space and walked to the front desk. The lady at the front desk led me to Eren's room. I opened the door and Eren was writing in his notebook talking to one of the therapist.

The therapist nodded and then left the room. I walked over to Eren and a smile appeared on his face. He didn't say anything but he held out his arms. I hugged him making sure not to hurt any of his healing wounds.

He buried his face in my neck and breathed in my sent sighing in content. He pulled away and pecked my cheek. I sat down In a chair. "How are you feeling love?" He grabbed his pencil.

In beautiful cursive he wrote.
I'm doing better but I really want to leave how much longer do I have to stay

"Well the doctor said about 2 more months. Your still having lung issues."

When he was with Greshia his lungs started to mess up and he was stabbed in his right lung. Plz don't hate me. He was born with dormant lung cancer and it's started to flare up as well. I don't know if that's a thing but just go with it please.

Why cant I leave now. I feel fine. Can you talk to them and see if you can shorten the time?

"I'll talk to them but don't get your hopes to high."

I sat down on the bed beside him and he tried to climb into my lap without messing with the tubes and breathing mask he was wearing. I helped him out and sat him on my lap to where he was comfortable.

He started to cough so I gently rubbed his back trying to soothe him. We sat there and cuddled with each other. Eren slowly fell asleep in my arms. I laid down with him and started to sing. Eventually I drifted to sleep.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now