When I Got Home

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I shut Levi's door and started to walk down the street. I honestly was scared to go home. I had been gone for 2 days. My father was most likely going to kill me. I ran across the street and stopped at my front door.

I stood there staring at the door. If I walked in and he was awake I was in so much trouble. I slowly opened the door and as soon as I did my father grabbed my arm, dragging me inside then slammed the door.

Levi's POV•
Eren had left. It took at least 3 minutes to walk to his house and it had been 30 minutes. He should have called me already but my phone hasn't had a single notification. I sat by my phone waiting.

An hour later I had been waiting by the phone for a while now. I was scared about if anything had happened to him. I knew I shouldn't have let him go home but I did anyway. The shitty brat still hasn't called me.

I decided that I would go check on him. I pulled on some decent clothes and put on my shoes. I decided to run over to his house as fast as I could. If I remember right it was the house across the street 3 house away from mine. I shut my door as fast as I could.

I got to his house. I went to open the door but it was locked. I banged on it as hard as I could. No one answered. Shit. I kicked the door down and ran inside of the house looking everywhere for Eren.

I couldn't find him anywhere downstairs. I ran upstairs and all of the doors were closed except one at the very end of the hallway. I could here crying coming from the room. I barged in.

Eren was lying on the floor. He had a bruises everywhere and his clothes were ripped from knife wounds. His father was taking off Eren's clothes while Eren had passed out and I ran into the room. I kicked his father to the floor and knocked him out. I called an ambulance and the police. Eren was drove to the hospital and his father was sent to prison.

Eren's POV•
I opened the door. I thought my father would be asleep but he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the house then slammed the door shut. He dragged me into his room and threw me across the floor me hitting the bed fram knocking the wind out of me.

Before I had time to regain my breath and my strength he kicked me in the face. I fell to the floor again and he pinned me down. He sat on top of me and he repeatedly hit me in the face, punching and elbowing me. He then stood up and stomped on my ribs and kicked me in the stomach.

I coughed up blood but he didn't stop there. He walked to his dresser and got out a knife. I tried to get up and run away but he axe kicked my back as I got onto my hands and knees to get up. (Think of that moment when Karma and Nagisa were fighting and Karma kicked Nagisa if you've ever seen assassination classroom)

He started to slice at my skin and stabbed my lower stomach and my right shoulder the he staved my left leg and arm. He threw the knife and started punching me again. He unzipped his pants and started to remove mine but Levi burst threw the door and got him off of me then I passed out.

•Levi's POV•
Eren was taken to the hospital. I rand to my house and got my keys then drove to the hospital. There was a lot of traffic and I started to get worried and wondered if they got him there on time. He was in critical condition.

I got to the hospital and ran in. The ambulance had got there after me because I drove a shortcut. They rushed inside with Eren on a stretcher. He was so pale. His beautiful tan skin was now a ghostly white. They told me to wait in the waiting room till I was called.

I sat in the waiting room and eventual I feel asleep. {•Hours later•} I woke up to one of the doctors shaking me. "Mr.Ackerman plz follow me." On the way to his room the doctor told me had had multiple broken bones, a concussion, a massive amount of blood loss, and 4 really deep stab wounds they said he has a chance that he might not make it due to they got there to late.

I ran into the room. He was still unconscious. His breathing was very slow and his skis was even more pale then before. He was smiling in his sleep. He whispered something. "Mom" tears rolled down his cheek as he smiled. I sat down in the chair beside him and laid my head on his chest careful not to touch his broken ribs and held his hand.

I sat there with him. His hand was cold and he had a slow heartbeat. I hoped he would make it. After a little while I fell asleep.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now