Sing me a lullaby

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    After a few days me and Levi went back to school. He decided we could stay home for a little so I could get better.

   I walked to my locker. So far everything was going good and I hadn't run into Jean. I walked to my class and sat down.

    After the next few classes it was lunch time and I sat down with Mikasa, Armin, and Levi. We talked the whole time all though it didn't bother me since I don't eat anyway.

      Armin helped me out with everything missed and got me caught up with everything. Levi and Mikasa were glaring daggers the whole time, both of them holding onto one of my arms.

      Lunch had ended and we had to get ready for our next classes. It was 6th period now and I had P.E. I headed to the gym after I said bye to Levi, Mikasa, and Armin. I didn't want to be late so I walked at a little bit of a fast pace.

I always tried to change before or after everyone else. The teacher didn't mind and always let me. I got to the gym and so far I was the first there so I hurried over to the locker room, my gym bag in my hand.

I changed my pants and shoes then I took of my shirt. "Hey looks like you didn't cut deep enough next time try harder suicidal bastard." I turned around and Jean was standing there with a smirk on his face. I gave him a death glare.

He glared straight back at me, shadows covering his face making him look more mad than he already was. "Do you have something to say." He said in a cold tone. I just darkened my glare.

I started to put my shirt on and it was yanked from me. "I said Do.You.Have.A.Problem?!" Jean pined me against the wall. I pushed him off and finished putting on my shirt.

More people walked into the locker room. Jean leaned next to my ear. I could feel his breath against my neck. "Do us all a favor and just kill yourself already. Nobody wants you here. The only reason some people are nice to you because they feel sorry and they're just giving you pity they don't really care." He whispered that in my ear and left the locker room.

His words played over and over again in my head. Nobody wants me here. Why would anyone actually care anyway. The only person that ever did was my mom but she is gone because of me.

School had ended and I went to work. At work I had to deal with more harassment. We were cosplaying as reverse genders of ourselves. All the females were dressed as butters and all of the males were dressed as maids.

My shift had ended and the things Jean said we're still running through my mind. I wasn't needed. Nobody wants me to be here. Id be doing everybody a favor if I just go ahead and kill myself.

When I got home Levi was sitting on the couch. He smiled at me when he realized I was there and I smiled back then went upstairs to my room and locked the door. The thoughts had been torturing me all day and I really needed sweet relief.

I went into my bathroom and opens the cabinet. There was a metal container. I opened it up and inside were my blades. I took one out and started to drag them across my arm. Some were shallow and thin while others were more deep.

I put away the blades after cleaning them up. I washed my cuts so the wouldn't be infected and changed my clothes. I started to feel slightly dizzy. My door was unlocked and Levi ran over to me as I began to fall. He caught me in his arms.

•Levi's POV•
Eren had just got home and went upstairs. I sat back into the couch to continue the movie I was watching. I was just scrolling through Netflix and randomly picked a movie.

The movie had finished. It had been a while since Eren went up stairs. I started to get really worried that he hadn't came out of his room yet. I waited a few more minutes then rushed upstairs. I tried to open the door but it was locked and Eren wasn't answering.

I ran into my room and found the key for his room then I rushed to the door. I unlocked the as fast as I could. I caught Eren in my arms as he was about to fall over. I already new without looking what he had done. I felt a pain in my chest.

When he woke up I made sure to remind myself to ask him why he did it this time. I took him downstairs and payed him on the couch making sure there was a pillow under his head and a blanket over top of him.

I went into the kitchen and got the first aid kit then fixed up his arms. I put it up then I decided to make meatloaf for dinner. I'm going to wake him up after it's done.

I finished the meatloaf and made our plates. I walked into the living room. I woke him up. He sat up and sluggishly rubbed his eyes and yawned. I got him to get up and eat his food while I quickly ate mine. He couldn't finish his.

We went up stairs and I got him in my room. "Eren why did you slit your wrist?" He looked down to the floor. "Well......Jean....Jean said" he started to cry. "He said n-needs me here....I would be d-d-doing every....body a favor.....if I just"he trailed off. I already knew the end.

I hugged him close to me. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and hugged me back, tears streaming down his face. He cried into my shoulder. "Eren don't you dare believe a thing that bastard says. I love you. (And all fan girls screamed) so do all of your friends."

I carried him over to my bed as he held onto me, crocodile tears streaming down his face. I sat down on the comforter and rubbed circles into his back till he calmed down. He finished crying. "Can you tell me everything Jean said."

He nodded and looked at me then started to explain. "Jean said 'Do us all a favor and just kill yourself already. Nobody wants you here. The only reason some people are nice to you because they feel sorry and they're just giving you pity they don't really care.' And it ran through my head all day to the point I thought it was true"

I smiled down at him. "None of that is true Eren." I grabbed his chin and kissed his lips. They moved together like a puzzle. It felt like his lips were meant just for me.

We pulled away at the same time. Eren was gasping for air. I looked over to the clock on my nightstand. It was 12:53. "Eren we need to get some sleep." He looked at me. "Can you sing to me. There was a song my mother would always sing to get me to sleep."

He was so adorable. "Well what is the song called?" His face lit up. "It's called Coming home by Skylar Grey." I smiled. That was actually my favorite song, one of them anyway. I laid him down and cuddled him up in my arm. I started to sing.

"And the blood will dry
Underneath my nails
And the wind will rise up
To fill my sails

So you can doubt
And you can hate
But I know
No matter what it takes

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming

Still far away
From where I belong
But it's always darkest
Before the dawn

So you can doubt
And you can hate
But I know
No matter what it takes

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming home"

I finished the song. Eren was fast asleep in my arms. I smiled down at him. A couple of minutes later I was asleep as well holding him tight.

To far gone (Levi x depressed Eren)Where stories live. Discover now