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♡305 likesjackseagull irl dora the explorer with @/justinseagull in seoul 👅👌View 52 comments

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jackseagull irl dora the explorer with
@/justinseagull in seoul 👅👌
View 52 comments

"What kind of caption is that?" Jungkook asks, as the two of them walk out of the elevator and later towards the door out of the hotel.

"It's a nice caption, what do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, at least it's creative, but just why?"

"Dude, I don't know. Don't ask questions that are harder than the midterms, Kookie"

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby" Jungkook is just purposely attacking the older boy at this point. He gotta tease someone when he actually gets the opportunity to do so.

"What the hell? Stop doing this to me, like it's really unnecessary" the older says, also a blush could be seen on his cheeks "Can't we just enjoy seoul, without attacking each other?"

"You called me kookie though"

"Well, calling your boyfriend baby or babe is more attackable material" Jungkook couldn't argue with the truth, so he just shrugged "Let's find a place to eat breakfast! What do you want?" Taehyung knew it was a restaurant at the hotel, but he just wanted to explore Seoul the whole day.

He simply just wants to make a lot of memories with the younger, so it would be better to find a place to eat, than just going to the hotel restaurant.

"Let's just eat something simple, since if I know you a hundred precent, I know you'll gonna find an expensive ish place to eat dinner"

"You know me very well, however, what's simple?"

"I don't know, we could try to find a bakery and eat some fresh bread and shit there, cuz that sounds really nice"

The two boys actually ended up looking for a bakery, which actually wasn't that hard. It was a lot of bakeries and cafes near the hotel, but it's not unusual to see a lot of cafes in most towns anyway.

"Hyung, where should we go now?" the youngest out of the couple asks, and Taehyung was honestly surprised that Jungkook called him 'hyung'

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"Hyung, where should we go now?" the youngest out of the couple asks, and Taehyung was honestly surprised that Jungkook called him 'hyung'.

"My boy, I really can't be used to that you call me hyung, because I always feel like we're the same age for some reason"

"It might be because of our switch sex life"

"Probably, yeah"

"Anyway, what should we discover now?"

Taehyung thought for a moment, as they were walking down the road, away from the bakery "Hm, do you want to go to a shopping center?" the younger nods "Let's try to find a shopping center then"

Taehyung thought for a moment, as they were walking down the road, away from the bakery "Hm, do you want to go to a shopping center?" the younger nods "Let's try to find a shopping center then"

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justinseagull two stupid korean tourists in seoul looking for a shopping center (: @/jackseagull
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After about looking for a shopping center for about 30 minuets, without realizing that it was one near the bakery, they finally found one. Both of them thought it looked much bigger than any of the shopping centers back in Busan, even though they're quite big as well.

"I can't believe I finally found a shopping center that's the same size as my dick" Taehyung mutters to himself, but of course Jungkook could hear the joke, and also prepared a comeback.

"But I thought this shopping center was big?"

"What the hell, you know it's big, like you've seen it in both videos and in real life, you've also had it inside you, so don't attack my dick size like this" the older sounds like a triggered buzzfeed feminist, however the only difference is that he's joking. "For real, you know it's big"

"I mean, probably bigger than average and also big enough to make me cum, so I don't really care" Jungkook shrugs, and he's actually not joking this time. He gotta speak the truth for once.

"That's nice, thank you for being honest, anyway, what do you wanna look for first?"

"It's a lot of stores to choose from, so I honestly don't know. What do boyfriends usually do at a shopping center? Do they look for clothes or video games? Hard question"

"I guess both"

"Let's do both then"

before I start taking about anything else, I just wanna say thank you for all the comments on the last thing I posted

when I posted it, I was just in a really bad mood, and I thought about doing a lot of bad stuff (some of you probably understand what I mean)

a lot of shit happened that day, and I just panicked and I had to post it, just in case

anyway, thank you so much for actually caring

I'm gonna make a part two to their adventure in seoul, cuz yes

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I'm gonna make a part two to their adventure in seoul, cuz yes

I guess this is everything for today ((:

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