no fit

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Layne's POV

I enter my apartment and close the door, resting my back against it. Why did I do that?  I knew she had a man in her life. Shit, they lived together. But I couldn't help myself. Her lips were so soft...

"God, I'm like an untrained dog," I say to myself. She's never talking to me again. Max runs up to me and I kneel down to pet him, "Hey buddy." he licks my face and I stand back up. At least someone wants to kiss me.

I head to my room and take a seat at my desk, only because I've been spending way too much time in my bed lately. Instinctively, I find myself on her page again.

My phone rings and I flinch at the name that flashes across the screen. Oh God.

"What do you want Ray?"

"Wow... So hostile," she teases me, "I like you hostile."

I roll my eyes, "Can I help you?"

"Be outside waiting for me," she states, "I'm in the area. Thinkin' now's a good time to visit."

"No offense but---"

She hangs up just as there's a knock on the door. You have got to be kidding me.

I open the door and sure enough, there's Ray, dressed in a white rolled sleeve shirt and black slacks. She looks like sin, her silver hair brushed and gelled away her face. She smirks, "Nice place," she easily pushes me aside and enters the apartment, leaving me no choice but to close the door behind me and follow her.

"How do you know where I live?" I question. She gives me another devilish smirk.

"If you don't remember, who am I to tell you?"

I clench my jaw, irritated. She heads to my room, "Internet stalking?" She stares at my screen, "You're better than that, Sinclair."

"Don't  pretend you know me," I reply, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to see, you," she sits on my bed and leans back, "You know, we used to be friends once?"

"My memory isn't that fucked," I reply, sitting in my desk chair, keeping distance from her. Ray had a presence that pulled--- actually lured you in. Under her edgy bad girl appearance was nothing but charm and suave which trapped you into thinking she was almost a person worth liking.

"I used to tell you everything before you left," she turns her head to look at me, "And now look how the tables turned. You need me to tell you everything."

"I don't need you to tell me shit Ray," I refute her statement, "Don't flatter yourself."

"My my! Always so feisty," she reaches in her pocket, "Frustrated, are we?"

She reaches in her pocket and pulls out what looks like a cigarette, until the stench of the smoke billowing out tells me otherwise.

"Well, when people I generally don't like walk into my house unannounced that does make me rather frustrated," I fan the smoke from my face, attempting to keep it out my nostrils.

"You like me," she dismisses me, looking at me again, "At least, you like my head between your thighs."

A blush lights my neck and I curse her. Why couldn't I have picked anybody else for a first love?

Her laugh breaks the silence, "You're so fun to mess with. It's cute when you're mad. Anyway, aren't you wondering what I'm doing out here?"

"I wasn't."

"Well I'm thinking about moving," she continues, "It's nice out here. I see why you like it so much, being a city slicker."

"Good for you. Is that it?"

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